West Coast Aquaculture Grant Opportunities
West Coast Aquaculture Funding and Grant Sources
Category | Granter | Details | Frequency | Amount |
Restoration | Puget Sound Partnership Strategic Initiatives (Washington State) | Funding for projects within 3 initiatives designated as priority topics with critical issues for Puget Sound recovery emphasized in the Action Plan: stormwater, habitat, and shellfish. | Late Fall application deadline 4 year cycles | Varies |
Restoration | Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife Aquatic Lands Enhancement Account | Funding for non-agency projects involving restorative aquaculture aimed at enhancing: 1) Habitat activities that restore and/or preserve fish and wildlife habitat, 2) Research - activities that increase our knowledge of fish and wildlife species, 3) Education - efforts to share information or provide hands-on experiences to enhance public knowledge of fish, wildlife and their habitats, 4) Facility development - efforts to provide or enhance access to fish and wildlife related recreational opportunities, 5) Artificial production - efforts to rear and release fish or wildlife to restore populations or for public recreation. Applicants must obtain pre-approval from WDFW to be eligible for funding. |
Late Winter application deadline Biennial | $876,000 total $43,400 maximum per project |
Restoration | Washington Recreation and Conservation Office: WA Coast Restoration and Resiliency Initiative | Restoration projects addressing the region’s highest priority ecological protection and restoration needs with stimulating economic growth and creating jobs in coastal communities. | Draft application Early Spring deadline Final application June deadline Biennial | $2 million maximum per project |
Research, Restoration | State Sea Grants (WA,OR, CA) | State biennial grant competition: Funding for projects advancing knowledge in focus areas in the State including: healthy coastal ecosystems; sustainable fisheries and aquaculture; resilient communities and economies; and ocean literacy and workforce development. Special grants available, but vary | Late Winter proposal deadline Biennial | ~$2,000,000 total funding |
Commercial, Research | Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission | Agreement with NOAA Office of Aquaculture to fund regional pilot aquaculture projects promoting sustainable farming and business for practices in AK, CA, OR, WA, HI, and U.S. Pacific Islands. 6-8 projects to be funded Opportunities also available through Atlantic and Gulf commissions | End of year deadline Annual | ~$50,000 - $125,000 per project. Total amount varies |
Research | USDA Western Regional Aquaculture Center | Aquaculture projects supporting 9 stated areas: 1) New and Emerging Species 2) Prevention and Treatment of Diseases Affecting Aquaculture Production 3) Aquaculture Opportunities Through Genetics 4) Characterization/description of Aquaculture in Western United States 5) Aquaculture: Applied Technology Solutions 6) Diet Nutrition/Innovation 7) Aquaculture Water Quality 8) Regulatory Obstacles to Aquaculture Development 9) Increasing Product Quality Trough Farm Practices, Food Science, and Quality Control | Early spring pre-proposal deadline Summer proposal deadline Annual | ~$120,000 maximum with project durations based on different 9 stated areas. Annual with funding up to 4 years |
Research | USDA Western Region of Sustainable Agriculture and Education Program (SARE) | SARE provides various grants for R&D projects involving education, graduates, and professional development | Varies reoccurring | Varies reoccurring |
Commercial, Research | NOAA Saltonstall-Kennedy Grant Program | Grants for supporting fisheries research and development projects that target harvesting, processing, marketing, and associated business structure. Projects should address fisheries needs by supporting fishing communities in maximizing economic benefits and sustainability, dealing with conservation and management impacts, and increasing other opportunities. | Summer pre-proposal deadline Late autumn proposal deadline Annual | ~$300,000 maximum per project for up to 2 yrs |
Commercial | NOAA Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I and II | Targets small business to assist in otherwise inhibitive R&D to promote innovation, protect small business, and increase competitiveness against larger businesses. Three phase program: 1. Feasibility, 2. R&D, and 3. Commercialization | Early winter application deadline Annual | Phase 1: Pp to ~$150,000 and 6 mo Phase 2. Up to ~$500,000 and 24 mo Phase 3. Unfunded |
Commercial | NOAA National Bycatch Reduction Engineering Program | The mission BREP is to support the development of technological solutions and changes in fishing practices designed to minimize bycatch of fish and protected species (including Endangered Species Act-listed fish, marine mammals, seabirds, and sea turtles) and to reduce impacts to invertebrates (including sponges, deep-sea corals, and shallow (tropical) corals.) Projects should produce outcomes that can directly influence management needs of federally managed living marine resources. | Beginning of year pre-proposal deadline Spring proposal deadline Annual | $2.5 million total funds |
Commercial/ Research | National Sea Grant and the OAP | NSGO and the Ocean Acidification Program (OAP) project funds to establish, continue, and/or expand collaborations between researchers and the shellfish aquaculture industry via utilizing new or existing research/industry partnerships to study how ocean and coastal acidification in combination with other stressors impacts shellfish aquaculture. | End of year Pre-proposals deadline Early Spring Proposal deadline | $300,000 max per project. Annual funding 1-3 years |
Research, Restoration | NOAA Marine Debris Research | The NOAA Marine Debris Program (MDP), provides funding to support eligible organizations to conduct research directly related to marine debris through field, laboratory, and modeling experiments. NOAA MDP invites applications for research that investigates and identifies the critical input pathways for marine debris introduction into the coastal zone (shoreline or nearshore), including evaluation of appropriate simultaneous pathways of riverine transport downstream, surface runoff, stormwater discharge, and wind-driven transport, and degradation and fragmentation of debris during transport. | Late Fall Pre-proposal deadline Late Winter Proposal deadline | ~$300,000 maximum per project ~$2 million total funding |
Research | USDA Special Research Grants Program Aquaculture Research | Research projects involving genetics, disease, production systems, and economics | Spring application deadline Biennial | ~$200,000 - $300,000 per project |
Restoration | NOAA Coastal and Marine Habitat Restorations Grant | Restoration projects utilizing a habitat-based approach to rebuild productive and sustainable fisheries, contribute to recovery and conservation of protected resources, promote healthy ecosystems, and yield community and economic benefits. | Pre-proposal winter deadline Full proposal spring deadline Annual | ~$75,000 - $3 million per project |
Research, Restoration | National Sea Grant | National Sea Grant Aquaculture Initiative Special grants available, vary | Fall Notices of Intent deadline Varies | TBD Varies ~$200,000 max for 3 projects |
Restoration | USFWS National Coastal Wetlands Conservation Grant Program | Awards states and territories up to $1 million to support projects protecting, restoring, and enhancing wetland ecosystems and associated uplands. State and local governments, as well as other partners contribute additional funds. | June application deadline Annual | $1 million maximum per project |
Commercial | U.S. Economic Development Administration (EDA) | The Good Jobs Challenge aims to build and strengthen the ability for employers to find and train workers. There are three categories - System Development, Program Development, and Program Implementation | Beginning of year application deadline | Varies |
Commercial | U.S. Economic Development Administration (EDA) | The Indigenous Communities program aims to support the needs of Tribal Governments and Indigenous communities develop and execute economic development projects | Rolling applications | Varies |
Commercial | U.S. Economic Development Administration (EDA) | The Economic Adjustment Assistance program will fund a broad range of projects such as technical, planning, workforce development, entrepreneurship, public works, and infrastructure | Rolling applications | Varies |