Watershed Program Publications
Publications of the Northwest Fisheries Science Center's Watershed Program from 2010-present.
FY20 Publications Submitted
Beechie, T. J., O. Stefankiv, M. Bond, and M. Pollock. In review. Predicting natural riparian vegetation taxa to guide restoration planning in the Columbia River Basin, USA. Ecosphere.
Beechie, T., C. Nicol, C. Fogel, and B. Timpane-Padgham. In review. A process-based assessment of landscape change and effects on salmon habitat. For PLOS ONE.
Bidlack, A., S. Bisbing, B. Buma, D. Butman, D. D’Amore, H. Diefenderfer, J. Fellman, S. Fleming, W. Floyd, E. Hood, B. Hunt, I. Giesbrecht, P. Kiffney, K. Lertzman, G. McNicol, B. Menounos, S. Perakis, and S. Tank. Terrestrial-marine ecosystem linkages via fluvial exports across the north Pacific coastal temperate rainforest margin. Bioscience.
Chamberlin J. W., E. Petrou, W. Duguid, R. Barsh, F. Juanes, J. Qualley, and L. Hauser. In review. Phenological diversity of a prey species supports life-stage specific foraging opportunity for a mobile consumer. To be submitted to ICES Journal of Marine Science.
Chamberlin J. W., J. E. Hall, W. T. Zackey, F. Leonetti, M. Rustay, and C. A. Rice. In review. Broad scale spatial and temporal variability in Chinook salmon abundance reflects important life history distinctions relevant to restoration in an estuarine landscape. Internal review complete. To be submitted to Estuaries and Coasts.
Ferriss, B., K. Veggerby, M. Bogeberg, L. Conway-Cranos, L. Hoberecht, P. Kiffney, K. Litle, J. Toft, and B. Sanderson. Characterizing the habitat function of bivalve aquaculture using underwater video. Submitted to Ecosphere.
Fogel, C., C. Nicol, J. Jorgensen, G. Seixas, P. Kiffney, B. Timpane-Padgham, and T. Beechie. In review. How riparian and floodplain restoration modifies the effects of increasing temperature on adult salmon spawner abundance in the Chehalis River, WA. PLOS ONE.
Greene, C. M., J. Eccles, K. Sobocinski, B. Stevick, B. Black, C. Krembs, and J. Newton. Submitted. Can historical patterns of primary production be reconstructed from growth increment data of long-lived geoduck (Panopea generosa) shells? Submitted to Limnology and Oceanography.
Harvey, C. et al. In review for 2020. Ecosystem Status Report of the California Current for 2019: A Summary of Ecosystem Indicators Compiled by the California Current Integrated Ecosystem Assessment Team (CCEIA). U.S. Department of Commerce, NOAA Technical Memorandum submitted to PFMC. (C. M. Greene and S. H. Munch contributors)
Jorgensen, J., T. Beechie, C. Nicol, C. Fogel, and B. Timpane-Padgham. Quantifying the potential of salmon habitat restoration with life-cycle models. PLOS ONE.
Moore, M. E., B. A. Berejikian, C. M. Greene, and S. H. Munsch. Shifting predation pressure linked to environmental fluctuation contributes to substantial variation in early marine survival of steelhead. Submitted for internal review. Submitted to MEPS.
Morley S. A., M. M. Foley, J. J. Duda, M. M. Beirne, R. L. Paradis, R. C. Johnson, M. L. McHenry, M. Elofson, E. M. Sampson, R. E. McCoy, J. Stapleton, and G. R. Pess. Resubmitted. Shifting food web structure during dam removal—Disturbance and recovery during a major restoration action. PLoS ONE.
Munsch S. H., J. S. Barber, J. R. Cordell, P. M. Kiffney, B. L. Sanderson and J. D. Toft. Small invertebrates in bivalve-cultivated and unmodified habitats of nearshore ecosystems. In revisions. Hydrobiologia.
Nicol, C., C. Fogel, J. Jorgensen, and T. Beechie. In review. Assessing the impact of altered peak flow regimes on salmon populations using a salmon life-cycle model. Global Change Biology.
Sanderson, B., K. Veggerby, P. Chittaro, P. Kiffney, M. Scheurell, G. Axle, J. Lamb, and D. Holzer. (Internal review). Changes to climate and productivity patterns significantly alter the growth of juvenile Chinook and Steelhead in the Salmon River Basin, Idaho.
Sobocinski K., C. M. Greene, J. H. Anderson, N. Kendall, M. W. Schmidt, M. S. Zimmerman, I. M. Kemp, S. Kim, and C. P. Ruff. Submitted. A Hypothesis-Driven Statistical Approach to Identifying Ecosystem Indicators of Coho and Chinook Salmon Marine Survival. Submitted to Ecological Indicators.
Published/In Press 2020
Beechie, T. J., C. Nicol, C. Fogel, J. Jorgensen, and B. Timpane-Padgham. 2020. Chum salmon life-cycle model description and results for the Chehalis River basin. Phase 2 Contract Report. NOAA/NMFS Northwest Fisheries Science Center, Seattle.
Clark, C., P. Roni, J. Keeton, and G. Pess. 2020. Evaluation of the removal of impassable barriers on anadromous salmon and steelhead in the Columbia River Basin. Fisheries Management and Ecology, 27(1), pp.102-110.
Cooney, T. D., M. H. Bond, D. M. Holzer, C. E. Jordan, J. C. Jorgensen, M. Liermann, and G. R. Pess. Identifying Interior Columbia River Basin ESU Focal Populations for Near-term Tributary Habitat Recovery Efforts. Chapter 7 in Zabel, R. W., and C. E. Jordan, editors. 2020. Life Cycle Models of Interior Columbia River Basin Spring/Summer-run Chinook Salmon Populations. U.S. Department of Commerce, NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-NWFSC-156. https://doi.org/10.25923/phfm-wq72
Davis, M. J., J. W. Chamberlin, J. R. Gardner, K. A. Connelly, M. M. Gamble, B. R. Beckman, and D. A. Beauchamp. 2020. Variable prey consumption leads to distinct regional differences in Chinook salmon growth during the early marine critical period. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 640, pp.147-169.
Duda, J. J., M. S. Hoy, D. M. Chase, G. R. Pess, S. J. Brenkman, M. M. McHenry, and C. O. Ostberg. 2020. Environmental DNA is an effective tool to track recolonizing migratory fish following large-scale dam removal. Environmental DNA.
Essington, T. E., E. Ward, T. B. Francis, C. M. Greene, L. Kuehne, and D. Lowry. In press. Historical reconstruction of the Puget Sound groundfish community. Marine Ecology Progress Series.
Greene, C. M., E. Beamer, J. Chamberlin, G. Hood, M. Davis, K. Larsen, J. Anderson, R. Henderson, J. Hall, M. Pouley, T. Zackey, S. Hodgson, C. Ellings, and I. Woo. 2020. Landscape, density-dependent, and bioenergetic influences upon Chinook salmon in tidal delta habitats: Comparison of four Puget Sound estuaries. ESRP Report 13-1508.
Greene, C. M., and S. H. Munsch. In press. PSEMP marine waters 2019 review: “Jellyfish in Skagit Bay”.
Greene, C. M., and S. H. Munsch. In press. PSEMP marine waters 2019 review: “Pelagic fish in Skagit Bay”.
Jorgenson, J. C. and M. H. Bond. A Life Cycle Modeling Framework for Estimating Impacts to Wenatchee River Spring-run Chinook Salmon from Effects of Proposed Hydropower Operations and Potential Future Habitat Actions. Chapter 6 in Zabel, R. W., and C. E. Jordan, editors. 2020. Life Cycle Models of Interior Columbia River Basin Spring/Summer-run Chinook Salmon Populations. U.S. Department of Commerce, NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-NWFSC-156. https://doi.org/10.25923/phfm-wq72
King, J., J. Boldt, B. Burke, C. Greene, J. Moss and C. Neville. 2020. Northeast Pacific juvenile salmon summer surveys of 2019. PICES Press 28(1):75-81.
Lin, J., J. E. Compton, C. Clark, S. Bittman, D. Schwede, P. S. Homann, P. Kiffney, D. Hooper, G. Bahr, and J. S. Baron. 2020. Key components and contrasts in the nitrogen budget across a U.S.‐Canadian transboundary watershed. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 125, e2019JG005577. https://doi.org/ 10.1029/2019JG005577.
Moravek, J., H. Clipp, T. Good, and P. Kiffney. Accepted. Assessing the ecosystem effects of channel gradient and subsidies from small anadromous Pacific salmon populations on stream and riparian food webs. Freshwater Science.
Morley S. A., M. M. Foley, J. J. Duda, M. M. Beirne, R. L. Paradis, R. C. Johnson, M. L. McHenry, M. Elofson, E. M. Sampson, R. E. McCoy, J. Stapleton, and G. R. Pess. 2020. Shifting food web structure during dam removal—Disturbance and recovery during a major restoration action. PLoS ONE 15(9): e0239198. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0239198.
Morley, S. A., L. D. Rhodes, A. E. Baxter, G. W. Goetz, and A. Wells. 2020. Thornton Creek Hyporheic Restoration: Project Effectiveness Monitoring, 2014‑2017. Technical Report to Seattle Public Utilities, City of Seattle. NOAA Fisheries.
Munsch, S. H., K. S. Andrews, L. G. Crozier, R. Fonner, J. L. Gosselin, C. M. Greene, C. J. Harvey, J. I. Lundin, G. R. Pess, J. F. Samhouri, and W. H. Satterthwaite. In Press. Potential for ecological nonlinearities and thresholds to inform Pacific salmon management. Ecosphere.
Munsch, S. H., C. M. Greene, R. C. Johnson, W. H. Satterthwaite, H. Imaki, P. L. Brandes, M. R. O'Farrell. In press. Science for integrative management of a diadromous fish stock: interdependencies of fisheries, flow, and habitat restoration. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences.
O'Neill, S. M., A. J. Carey, L. B. Harding, J. E. West, G. M. Ylitalo, and J. W. Chamberlin. 2019. Chemical tracers guide identification of the location and source of persistent organic pollutants in juvenile Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha), migrating seaward through an estuary with multiple contaminant inputs. Science of the Total Environment:135516.
Pess, G., and C. E. Jordan, editors. 2019. (T. Beechie and M. Bond, contributors) Characterizing Watershed-Scale Effects of Habitat Restoration Actions to Inform Life Cycle Models: Case Studies Using Data-Rich vs. Data-Poor Approaches. U.S. Department of Commerce, NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-NWFSC-151. https://doi.org/10.25923/vka7-w128.
Pitman, K. J., J. W. Moore, M. R. Sloat, A. H. Beaudreau, A. L. Bidlack, R. E. Brenner, E. W. Hood, G. R. Pess, N. J. Mantua, A. M. Milner, V. Radi, G. H. Reeves, D. E. Schindler, and D. C. Whited. Glacier Retreat and Pacific Salmon, BioScience, Volume 70, Issue 3, March 2020, Pages 220-236.
Satterthwaite, W. H., K. S. Andrews, K. S., B. J. Burke, J. L. Gosselin, C. M. Greene, C. J. Harvey, S. H. Munsch, M. R. O’Farrell, J. F. Samhouri, and K. L. Sobocinski. 2019. Ecological thresholds in forecast performance for key United States West Coast Chinook salmon stocks. ICES Journal of Marine Science. fsz189, https://doi.org/10.1093/icesjms/fsz189.
Sobocinski, K., N. Kendall, C. and M. Schmidt. 2020. Ecosystem indicators of marine survival in Puget Sound steelhead trout. Progress in Oceanography. 102419. 10.1016/j.pocean.2020.102419.
Bellmore, R., G. R. Pess, J. J. Duda, J. O'Connor, A. E. East, M. M. Foley, A. Wilcox, J. Major, P. Shafroth, C. Magirl, C. Anderson, J. Evans, C. Torgersen, L. Craig, and S. A. Morley. 2019. Conceptualizing ecological responses to dam removal: If you remove it, what’s to come? Bioscience 69: 29-36.
Bond, M. H., T. G. Nodine, T. J. Beechie, and R. W. Zabel. 2019. Estimating the benefits of widespread floodplain reconnection for Columbia River Chinook salmon. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 76(7):1212-1226
Brophy L. S., C. M. Greene, V. C. Hare B. Holycross, A. Lanier, W. N. Heady, et al. 2019. Insights into estuary habitat loss in the western United States using a new method for mapping maximum extent of tidal wetlands. PLoS ONE 14(8): e0218558. https://DOI.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0218558
Crozier, L. G., M. M. McClure, T. J. Beechie, S. J. Bograd, D. A. Boughton, M. I. Carr, T. D. Cooney, J. B. Dunham, C. M. Greene, et al. 2019. Climate vulnerability assessment for Pacific salmon and steelhead in the California Current Large Marine Ecosystem. PLoS ONE 14(7).
Duda, J.J., J. H. Anderson, M. M. Beirne, S. J. Brenkman, P. Crain, J. Mahan, M. McHenry, G. Pess, R. Peters, and B. Winter. 2019. Complexities, context, and new information about the Elwha River." Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 17(1):10-11.
Duguid, W.D. P, J. L. Boldt, L. Chalifour, C. M. Greene, M. Galbraith, D. Hay, D. Lowry, S. McKinnell, C. M. Neville, J. Qualley, T. Sandell, M. Thompson, M. Trudel, K. Young, and F. Juanes. 2019. Historical fluctuations and recent observations of Northern Anchovy Engraulis mordax in the Salish Sea. Deep Sea Research II 159:22-41.
King, J., J. Boldt, B. Burke, C. Greene, J. Moss and C. Neville. 2019. Northeast Pacific Juvenile Salmon Summer Surveys in 2018. PICES Press 27(1):19-26
Munsch, S. H., C. M. Greene, R. C. Johnson, W. H. Satterthwaite, H. Imaki, and P. L. Brandes. 2019. Warm, dry winters truncate timing and size distribution of seaward-migrating salmon across a large, regulated watershed. Ecological Applications 29(4):e01880.
Pess, G., M. McHenry, W. J. Ehinger, T. Bennett, K. Hanson and M. Liermann. 2019. Strait of Juan de Fuca Intensively Monitored Watersheds. 2018 Annual Report. Prepared for the Salmon Recovery Funding Board.
Shelton, A. O., R. P. Kelly, J. L. O'Donnell, L. K. Park, P. L. Schwenke, C. M. Greene, R. Henderson, and E. M. Beamer. 2019. Environmental DNA provides quantitative estimates of a threatened salmon species. Biological Conservation 237:383-391.
Steel, E. A., M. Liermann and P. Guttorp. 2019. BeyondCalculations: A Course in Statistical Thinking, The American Statistician 7:sup1, 392-401, DOI:10.1080/00031305.2018.1505657
Stefankiv, O., T. J. Beechie, J. E. Hall, G. R. Pess, and B. Timpane-Padgham. 2019. Influences of valley form and land use on large river and floodplain habitats in Puget Sound. River Research and Applications 35(2):133-145.
Stefankiv, O., J. Hall, B. Timpane-Padgham, C. Nicol, C. Fogel, T. J. Beechie, and G. R. Pess. 2019. Salmon Habitat Status and Trends: Monitoring Protocols. U.S. Dept. of Commerce, NOAA Processed Report, NMFS-NWFSC-PR-2019-03, 44 p.
Wathen, G., J. E. Allgeier, N. Bouwes, M. M. Pollock, D. E. Schindler, and C. E. Jordan. 2019. Beaver activity increases habitat complexity and spatial partitioning by steelhead trout. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 76(7):1086-1095.
Bond, R. M., C. L. Nicol, J. D. Kiernan, and B. C. Spence. 2018. Occurrence, fate, and confounding influence of ghost PIT tags in an intensively monitored watershed. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 76(2). DOI: 10.1139/cjfas-2017-0409 (Work completed at a previous position)
Chamberlin, J. W., M. Gamble, K. Connelly, J. Gardner, R. Barsh, M. O’Connell, J. Keister, D. Beauchamp, M. Schmidt, B. Beckman, and K. Warheit. 2017. Assessing early marine growth in juvenile Chinook salmon: factors affecting variability in individual growth in northern Puget Sound. Final Report to Washington State Recreation and Conservation Office, Salmon Recovery Funding Board.
Dittbrenner, B. J., M. M. Pollock, J. W. Schilling, J. D. Olden, J. J. Lawler, and C. E. Torgersen. 2018. Modeling intrinsic potential for beaver (Castor canadensis) habitat to inform restoration and climate change adaptation. PLoS One 13(2), p.e0192538. https://DOI.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0192538
Duda, J. J., J. Anderson, M. Bierne, S. Brenkman, P. Cain, J. Mahan, M. McHenry, G. Pess, R. Peters, and B. Winters. Accepted. Complexities, historical context, and emerging information about the Elwha River dam removal project. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment (write back letters).
Gamble, M. M., K. A. Connelly, J. R. Gardner, J. W. Chamberlin, K. I. Warheit, and D. A. Beauchamp. 2018. Size, growth, and size‐selective mortality of subyearling Chinook salmon during early marine residence in Puget Sound. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 147:370-389. DOI:10.1002/tafs.10032.
Hall, J., M. McHenry, W. J. Ehinger, T. Bennett, K. Hanson, M. Liermann and G. Pess. 2018. Intensively Monitored Watersheds 2017 Synthesis Report. Prepared for the Salmon Recovery Funding Board.
Hall, J. E., C. M. Greene, O. Stefankiv, J. Anderson, B. Timpane-Padgham, T. J. Beechie, and G. R. Pess. 2018. Large river habitat complexity and productivity of Chinook salmon in Puget Sound Rivers. PLoS One 13(11):e:025127.
Hall, J. E., T. Khangaonkar, C. A. Rice, J. W. Chamberlin, T. Zackey, F. E. Leonetti, M. Rustay, K. L. Fresh, A. N. Kagley, and M. Rowse. 2018. Characterization of salinity and temperature patterns in a large river delta to support tidal wetland habitat restoration. Northwest Science 92(1):36-52.
Hanson, K. and T. Bennett. 2018. Large Scale and Long Term: The Strait of Juan de Fuca Intensively Monitored Watersheds. The Learning Forest Issue 4 (Fall 2018). https://www.dnr.wa.gov/publications/lm_oesf_lf_fl2018.pdf (PDF, 11 pages)
Harrison L. R., A. E. East, D. P. Smith, J. B. Logan, R. M. Bond, C. L. Nicol, T. H. Williams, D. A. Boughton, K. Chow, and L. Luna. 2018. River response to large‐dam removal in a Mediterranean hydroclimatic setting: Carmel River, California, USA. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. Doi: 10.1002/esp.4464 (Work completed at a previous position).
Harvey, C. and many others including S. H. Munsch and C. M. Greene. 2018. Ecosystem Status Report of the California Current for 2018: A Summary of Ecosystem Indicators Compiled by the California Current Integrated Ecosystem Assessment Team (CCEIA). U.S. Department of Commerce, NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-NWFSC-145.
Kiffney, P. M., B. Cram, P. Faulds, K. Burton, M. E. Koehler, and T. P. Quinn. 2018. Spatiotemporal patterns of mountain whitefish (Prosopium williamsoni) in response to a restoration of longitudinal connectivity. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 27:1037–1053. https://DOI.org/10.1111/eff.12413
Kiffney, P., S. Naman, J. Cram, M. Liermann, and D. Burrows. 2018. Multiple pathways of carbon and nitrogen incorporation by consumers across an experimental gradient of salmon carcass inputs.Ecosphere 9(4):e02197. https://DOI.org/10.1002/ecs2.2197
Naman, S. M., J. S. Rosenfeld, P. M. Kiffney, J. S. Richardson. 2018. The energetic consequences of habitat structure for forest stream salmonids. Journal of Animal Ecology 87:1383–1394. DOI:https://besjournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/DOI/10.1111/1365-2656.12845
Ohlberger, J., S. J. Brenkman, P. Crain, G. R. Pess, J. J. Duda, T. W. Buehrens, T. P. Quinn, and R. Hilborn. 2018. A Bayesian life-cycle model to estimate escapement at MSY in salmon based on limited information. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 76(2): 299–307. https://doi.org/10.1139/cjfas-2017-0382
Peters, R., A. R. Marshak, M. M. Brady, S. K. Brown, K. Osgood, C. Greene, et al. 2018. Habitat Science is a Fundamental in an Ecosystem-Based Fisheries Management Framework: An Update to the Marine Fisheries Habitat Assessment Improvement Plan. U.S. Dept. of Commerce, NOAA. NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-F/SPO-181, 29 p.
Pulver, S., N. Ulibarri, K. L. Sobocinski, S. M. Alexander, M. L. Johnson, P. F. McCord, and J. Dell’Angelo. 2018. Frontiers in socio-environmental research: components, connections, scale, and context. Ecology and Society 23(3):23. (Work completed at a previous position).
Quaempts, E. J., K. L. Jones, S. J. O’Daniel, T. J. Beechie, and G. C. Poole. 2018. Aligning environmental management with ecosystem resilience: a First Foods example from the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation, Oregon, USA. Ecology and Society 23(2):29. DOI.org/10.5751/ES-10080-230229.
Ritchie, A. C., J. A. Warrick, A. E. East, C. S. Magirl, A. W. Stevens, J. A. Bountry, T. J. Randle, C. A. Curran, R. C. Hilldale, J. J. Duda, G. R. Gelfenbaum, I. M. Miller, G. R. Pess, M. M. Foley, R. McCoy, and A. S. Ogston. 2018. Morphodynamic evolution following sediment release from the world’s largest dam removal. Nature: Scientific Reports 8(1):13279. DOI:10.1038/s41598-018-30817-8.
Roni, P., P. Anders, T. J. Beechie, D. J. Kaplowe. 2018. Review of tools for identifying, planning and implementing habitat restoration for Pacific salmon and Steelhead. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 38:355-376. DOI:10.1002/nafm.10035
Seixas, G. B., T. J. Beechie, C. Fogel, and P. M. Kiffney. 2018. Historical and future stream temperature change predicted by a lidar-based assessment of riparian conditions and channel width. Journal of the American Water Resources Association 54(4):974-991. DOI.org/10.1111/1752-1688.12655.
Sobocinski, K. L., C. M. Greene, and M. W. Schmidt. 2018. Using a qualitative model to explore the impacts of ecosystem and anthropogenic drivers upon declining marine survival in Pacific salmon. Environmental Conservation 45(3):278-290.
Sobocinski, K. L., L. Ciannelli, W. W. Wakefield, M. E. Yergey, and A. Johnson-Colegrove. 2018. Distribution and abundance of juvenile demersal fishes in relation to summer hypoxia and other environmental variables in coastal Oregon, USA. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 205:75-90. (Work completed at a previous position).
Toft, J. D., S. H. Munsch, J. R. Cordell, K. Siitari, V. C. Hare, B. M. Holycross, L. A. DeBruyckere, C. M. Greene, and B. B. Hughes. 2018. Impact of Multiple Stressors on Juvenile Fish in Estuaries of the Northeast Pacific. Global Change Biology 24: 2008-2020.
Yokel, E., S. Witmore, B. Stapleton, C. Gilmore, and M. M. Pollock. 2018. Scott River Beaver Dam Analogue Coho Salmon Habitat Restoration Program 2017 Monitoring Report. Scott River Watershed Council, Etna, California. 59 p. https://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/afbfb7_08c2ac50b82349a4918f138d3d090836.pdf (PDF, 98 pages).
Beechie, T. J., O. Stefankiv, B. Timpane-Padgham, J. Hall, G. Pess, M. Liermann, M. Rowse, K. Fresh, and M. Ford. 2017. Monitoring habitat status and trends in Puget Sound: development of sample designs, monitoring metrics, and sampling protocols for nearshore, delta, large river, and floodplain environments. NOAA Technical Memorandum-137.
Chamberlin, J. W., B. R. Beckman, C. M. Greene, C. A. Rice, J. E. Hall. 2017. How relative size and abundance structures the relationship between size and individual growth in an ontogenetically piscivorous fish. Ecology and Evolution 7: 6981-6995. DOI: 10.1002/ece3.3218
Cram, J., C. E. Torgersen, R. Klett, G. R. Pess, D. May, T. N. Pearsons, A. H. Dittman. 2017. Spatial variability of Chinook salmon spawning site fidelity and habitat preferences. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 146(2):206-221. DOI:http://dx.DOI.org/10.1080/00028487.2016.1254112
East, A. E., K. J. Jenkins, P. J. Happe, J. A. Bountry, T. J. Beechie, M. C. Mastin, J. B. Sankey, and T. J. Randle. 2017. Channel-planform evolution in four rivers of Olympic National Park, Washington, U.S.A.: The roles of physical drivers and trophic cascades. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 42:1011–1032. DOI: 10.1002/esp.4048
Foley, M. M., J.R. Bellmore, J. E. O'Connor, J. J. Duda, A. E. East, G. E. Grant, C. W. Anderson, J. A. Bountry, M. J. Collins, P. J. Connolly, L. S. Craig, J. E. Evans, S. L. Greene, F. J. Magilligan, C. S. Magirl, J. J. Major, G. R. Pess, T. J. Randle, P. B. Shafroth, C. E. Torgersen, D. Tullos, and A. C. Wilcox. 2017. Dam removal: Listening in. Water Resources Research 53(7):5229-5246.
Greene, C. M., J. Hall, D. Small and P. Smith. 2017. Effects of intertidal water crossing structures on estuarine fish and their habitat: a literature review and synthesis. http://www.skagitclimatescience.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/Greene-et-al.-2017-review-on-intertidal-water-crossing-structures-and-fish-1.pdf (PDF. 105 pages).
Harvey C. J., many others including S. H. Munsch and C. M. Greene. 2017. Ecosystem Status Report of the California Current for 2017: A Summary of Ecosystem Indicators Compiled by the California Current Integrated Ecosystem Assessment Team (CCIEA). U.S. Department of Commerce, NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-NWFSC-139.
Hines, D., M. Liermann, T. Seder, B. Cluer, G. Pess, and C. Schoenebeck. 2017. Diel Shifts in Microhabitat Selection of Steelhead and Coho Salmon Fry. North American Journal of Fisheries Management, 37(5):989-998.
Kaylor, M., D. R. Warren, P. M. Kiffney. 2017. Long-term effects of riparian forest harvest on light in Pacific Northwest streams. Freshwater Science 36(1):1-13.
Liermann, M., G. R. Pess, M. McHenry, J. R. McMillan, M. Elofson, T. R. Bennett, R. Moses. 2017. Relocation and recolonization of coho salmon Oncorhynchus kisutch in two tributaries to the Elwha River: implications for management and monitoring. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 146(5):955-966.
Peters, R. J., M. Liermann, M. L. McHenry, P. Bakke, G. R. Pess. 2017. Changes in streambed composition in salmonid spawning habitat of the Elwha River during dam removal. Journal of American Water Resources Association 53(4):871– 885.
Pollock, M. M., G. M. Lewallen, K. Woodruff, C. E. Jordan and J. M. Castro (Editors) 2017. The Beaver Restoration Guidebook: Working with Beaver to Restore Streams, Wetlands, and Floodplains. Version 2.0. United States Fish and Wildlife Service, Portland, Oregon. 219 pp. Online at: https://www.fws.gov/oregonfwo/promo.cfm?id=177175812.
Ruff, C.P., J. H.. Anderson, I. M. Kemp, et al. including C. M. Greene. 2017. Salish Sea Chinook salmon exhibit weaker coherence in early marine survival trends than coastal populations. Fish Oceanography 26:625-637.
Steel, E. A., T. J. Beechie, C. E. Torgersen, and A. H. Fullerton. 2017. Envisioning, quantifying, and managing thermal regimes on river networks. BioScience 67(6):506-522.
Tabor, R. A., F. T. Waterstrat, D. W. Lantz, H. B. Berge, and M. Liermann. 2017. Distribution, density, and size of migratory and fluvial sculpins in relation to barriers in Puget Sound lowland streams. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 37(4):729-742.
Timpane-Padgham, B., T. J. Beechie, and T. Klinger. 2017. A systematic review of ecological attributes that confer resilience to climate change in environmental restoration. PLoS ONE 12(3):e0173812.
Toft, J., T. Hass, B. Bennett, L. Brubaker, D. Brubaker, C. Rice, and Island County Beach Watchers. 2017. A Framework to Analyze Citizen Science Data for Volunteers, Managers, and Scientists. Citizen Science: Theory and Practice 2(1): p.9. DOI: http://doi.org/10.5334/cstp.100.
van Leeuwen, C., T. Tokk, T. O. Haugen, P. M. Kiffney, and J. Museth. 2017. Small larvae in large rivers: observations on downstream movement of European grayling Thymallus thymallus during early life stages. Journal of Fish Biology. https://doi.org/10.1111/jfb.13326.
Weber N., N, Bouwes M. M. Pollock, C. Volk, J. M. Wheaton, G. Wathen et al. 2017. Alteration of stream temperature by natural and artificial beaver dams. PLoS ONE 12(5): e0176313. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0176313.
Bærum, K. M., L. A. Vøllestad, P. M. Kiffney, Alice Rémy, and T. O. Haugen. 2016. Population-level variation in juvenile brown trout growth from different climatic regions of Norway to an experimental thermal gradient. Environmental Biology of Fishes 99(12):1009-1018.
Bennett, S., G. R. Pess, N. Bouwes, P. Roni, R. E. Bilby, S. Gallagher, J. Ruzycki, T. W. Buehrens, W. Ehinger, and C. E. Jordan. 2016. Progress and Challenges of Testing the Effectiveness of Stream Restoration in the Pacific Northwest Using Intensively Monitored Watersheds. Fisheries 41(2):93-103.
Booth, D. B., J. G. Scholz, T. J. Beechie, and S. C. Ralph. 2016. Integrating limiting-factors analysis with process-based restoration to improve recovery of endangered salmonids. Water 8(5):174. DOI:10.3390/w8050174
Bouwes, N., N. Weber, C. E. Jordan, W. C. Saunders, I. A. Tattam, C. Volk, J. M. Wheaton and M. M. Pollock. 2016. Ecosystem experiment reveals benefits of natural and simulated beaver dams to a threatened population of steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Scientific Reports Volume6, Article number:28581.
Gayeski, N., G. R. Pess, and T. J. Beechie. 2016. A Life-Table Model Estimation of the Parr Capacity of a Late-Nineteenth Century Puget Sound Steelhead Population. FACETS 1:83-104. DOI:10.1139/facets-2015-0010
Hall, J. E., P. Roni, T. R. Bennett, J. R. McMillan, K. Hanson, G. R. Pess, R. E. Moses, M. McHenry, and W. Ehinger. 2016. Life history diversity of steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in two coastal Washington watersheds. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 145(5):990-1005. DOI: 10.1080/00028487.2016.1194893
Kasprak, A., N. Hough-Snee, T. J. Beechie, N. Bouwes, G. Brierley, R. Camp, K. Fryirs, H. Imaki, M. L. Jensen, G. O. O'Brien, and J. M. Wheaton. 2016. The blurred line between form and process: a comparison of stream channel classification frameworks. PLoS ONE 11(3):1-31.
Morley, S. A., H. J. Coe, L. S. Dunphy, J. J. Duda, M. L. McHenry, B. R. Beckman, M. Elofson, S. Sampson, L. Ward. 2016. Seasonal variation exceeds effects of salmon carcass additions on benthic foodwebs in the Elwha River. Ecosphere 7(8): DOI:10.1002/ecs2.1422
Naman. S., C. M. Greene, C. A. Rice, J. Chamberlin, L. Conway-Cranos, J. R. Cordell, J. E. Hall, and L. D. Rhodes. 2016. Stable isotope-based trophic structure of pelagic fish and jellyfish across natural and anthropogenic landscape gradients in a fjord estuary. Ecology and Evolution 6(22):8159-8173.
Warren, D. R., W. S. Keeton, P. M. Kiffney, M. J. Kaylor, H. A. Bechtold, and J. Magee. 2016. Changing forests—changing streams: riparian forest stand development and ecosystem function in temperate headwaters. Ecosphere 7(8): e01435.10.1002/ecs2.1435.
Bartz, K. K., M. J. Ford, T. J. Beechie, K. L. Fresh, G. R. Pess, M. Rowse, M. B. Sheer, and R. Kennedy. 2015. Trends in developed cover adjacent to habitat for threatened salmon in Puget Sound, Washington, U.S.A. PLoS ONE 10(4): e0124415. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0124415.
Beechie, T. J., G. R. Pess, H. Imaki, A. Martin, J. Alvarez, and D. Goodman. 2015. Comparison of potential increases in juvenile salmonid rearing habitat capacity among alternative restoration scenarios, Trinity River, California. Restoration Ecology 23(1):75-84.
Bennett, T. R., P. Roni, K. Denton, M. McHenry, and R. Moses, R. 2015. Nomads no more: early juvenile coho salmon migrants contribute to the adult return. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 24:264-275. DOI:10.1111/eff.12144
Clements, W. H., D. R. Kashian, P. M. Kiffney, and R. E. Zuellig. 2015. Perspectives on the context–dependency of stream community responses to contaminants. Freshwater Biology 61(12):2162-2170.
Conway-Cranos, L., P. M. Kiffney, N. S. Banas, M. Plummer, S. M. Naman, P. MacCready, J. Bucci, and M. H. Ruckelshaus. 2015. Stable isotopes and oceanographic modeling reveal spatial and trophic connectivity between terrestrial, estuarine and marine environments in Puget Sound, WA. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 11318.
East, A., G. R. Pess, J. Bountry, C. Magirl, A. Ritchie, J. Logan, T. Randle, M. Mastin, J. J. Duda, M. Liermann, M. McHenry, and T. J. Beechie. 2015. Large-scale dam removal on the Elwha River, Washington, USA: river channel and floodplain geomorphic change. Geomorphology 228:765-786.
Fullerton, A. H., C. E. Torgersen, J. J. Lawler, R. N. Faux, E. A. Steel, T. J. Beechie, J. L. Ebersole, and S. G. Leibowitz. 2015. Rethinking the longitudinal stream temperature paradigm: region-wide comparison of thermal infrared imagery reveals unexpected complexity of river temperatures. Hydrological Processes 29: 4719–4737. DOI:10.1002/hyp.10506.
Greene, C., L. Kuehne, C. Rice, K. Fresh, and D. Penttila. 2015. Forty years of change in forage fish and jellyfish abundance across greater Puget Sound, Washington (USA): Anthropogenic and climate associations. Marine Ecology Progress Series 525:153-170.
Hall, J. E., M. M. Pollock, S. Hoh, C. Volk, J. Goldsmith, and C. E. Jordan. 2015. Evaluation of dryland riparian restoration with cottonwood and willow using deep-planting and herbivore protection. Ecosphere 6(12):263. http://dx. DOI.org/10.1890/ES15-00296.1
Jones, K. L., S. J. O'Daniel, T. J. Beechie, J. Zakrasjek, and J. G. Webster. 2015. Physical Habitat Monitoring Strategy for Reach-Scale Restoration Effectiveness Monitoring. USGS Open-File Report 2015-1069, U.S. Geological Survey, 58 p.
Kendall, N., J. R. McMillan, M. R. Sloat, T. W. Buehrens, T. P. Quinn, G. R. Pess, K. V. Kuzischchin, M. M. McClure, and R. W. Zabel. 2015. Anadromy and residency in steelhead and rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss: a review of the processes and patterns. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 72(3):319-342. DOI:10.1139/cjfas-2014-0192.
Liermann, M. C. D. Rawding, G. R. Pess, and B. Glaser. 2015. The spatial distribution of salmon and steelhead redds and optimal sampling design. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 72(3):434-446. DOI:10.1139/cjfas-2014-0181.
McMillan, J. R., G. R. Pess, S. A. Morley, L. A. Campbell, M. McHenry, and T. P. Quinn. 2015. Using redd attributes, fry density and otolith microchemistry to distinguish the presence of steelhead and Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in the Elwha River dam removal project. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 35:1019-1033.
Oyafuso, Z., A. E. Baxter, J. E. Hall, S. M. Naman, C. M. Greene, and L. D. Rhodes. 2015. Widespread detection of human- and ruminant origin Bacteroidales markers in subtidal waters of the Salish Sea in Washington State. Journal of Water and Health 13(3):827-837. DOI:10.2166/wh.2015.253.
Paranjpye, R. N., W. B. Nilsson, M. Liermann, E. D. Hilborn, B. J. George, Q. Li, B. D. Bill, V. L. Trainer, M. S. Strom, P. A. Sandifer. 2015. Environmental influences on the seasonal distribution of Vibrio parahaemolyticus in Puget Sound. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 91(12). DOI: 10.1093/femsec/fiv121
Perry, L., L. Reynolds, T. J. Beechie, M. Collins, and P. B. Shafroth. 2015. Incorporating climate change projections into riparian restoration planning and design. Ecohydrology 8:863-879. DOI:10.1002/eco.1645.
Roni, P., C. L. Johnson, T. DeBoer, G. R. Pess, A. H. Dittman, D. A. Sear. 2015. Interannual variability in the effects of physical habitat and parentage on Chinook salmon egg-to-fry survival. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 73(7):1047-1059.
Tonra, C. M., K. A. Sager-Fradkin, S. A. Morley, J. J. Duda, P. P. Mara. 2015. The rapid return of marine-derived nutrients to a freshwater food web following a century of damming. Biological Conservation 192:130-134.
Ward, E. J., J. H. Anderson, T. J. Beechie, G. R. Pess, and M. J. Ford. 2015. Increasing hydrologic variability threatens depleted anadromous fish populations. Global Change Biology 21:2500–2509. DOI:10.1111/gcb.12847
Warrick, J. A., J. A. Bountry, A. E. East, C. S. Magirl, T. J. Randle, G. Gelfenbaum, A. C. Ritchie, G. R. Pess, V.Leung, and J. J. Duda, 2015. Large-scale dam removal on the Elwha River, Washington, USA: Source-to-sink sediment budget and synthesis. Geomorphology 246:729-750.
Weitkamp, L. A., D. J. Teel, M. Liermann, S. A. Hinton, D. M. Van Doornik, P. J. Bentley. 2015. Stock-specific size and timing at ocean entry of Columbia River juvenile Chinook salmon and steelhead: implications for early ocean growth. Marine and Coastal Fisheries 7:370-392.
Zimmerman, M., J. R. Irvine, M. O’Neill, J. H. Anderson, C. M. Greene, J. Weinheimer, M. Trudel, and K. Rawson. 2015. Spatial and Temporal Patterns in Smolt Survival of Wild and Hatchery Coho Salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) in the Salish Sea. Marine and Coastal Fisheries 7(1):116-134. DOI: 10.1080/19425120.2015.1012246.
Anderson, J. H., G. R. Pess, R. W. Carmichael, M. J. Ford, T. D. Cooney, C. M. Baldwin, and M. M. McClure. 2014. Planning Pacific salmon and steelhead reintroductions aimed at long-term viability and recovery. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 34:72–93.
Banas, N. S., L. Conway-Cranos, D. A. Sutherland, P. MacCready, P. Kiffney, and M. Plummer. 2014. Patterns of river influence and connectivity among sub-basins of Puget Sound, WA with application to bacterial and nutrient loading. Estuaries and Coasts (http://10.1007/s12237-014-9853-y)
Beechie, T. J., and H. Imaki. 2014. Predicting natural channel patterns based on landscape and geomorphic controls in the Columbia River basin, USA. Water Resources Research 50(1):1-19.
Beechie, T., G. Pess, H. Imaki, A. Martin, J. Alvarez, and D. H. Goodman. 2014. Comparison of potential increases in juvenile salmonid rearing habitat capacity among alternative restoration scenarios, Trinity River, California. Restoration Ecology: DOI: 10.1111/rec.12131.
Bennett, T. R., P. Roni, K. P. Denton, M. McHenry, and R. E. Moses. 2014. Nomads no more: Early juvenile coho salmon migrants contribute to the adult return. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 24(2):264-275.
Buehrens, T. W., P. Kiffney, G. R. Pess, T. R. Bennett, S. M., Naman, G. Brooks, G., and T. P. Quinn. 2014. Increasing Juvenile Coho Salmon Densities during Early Recolonization Have Not Affected Resident Coastal Cutthroat Trout Growth, Movement, or Survival. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 34(5):892-907.
Chamberlin, J., and T. P. Quinn. 2014. Effects of natal origin on localized distributions of Chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha, in the marine waters of Puget Sound. Fisheries Research 153:113-122.
Greene, C.M., K. Andrews, T. Beechie, D. Bottom, R. Brodeur, L. Crozier, A. Fullerton, L. Johnson, E. Hazen, N. Mantua, C. Menza, M. Sheer, W. Wakefield, C. Whitmire, M. Yoklavich, and J. Zwolinski. 2014. Selecting and evaluating indicators for habitats within the California Current Large Marine Ecosystem. IEA online report. http://www.noaa.gov/iea/Assets/iea/california/Report/pdf/9.Habitat_2013.pdf
Greene, C. M., K. Blackhart, J. Nohner, A. Candelmo, and D.M. Nelson. 2014. A National Assessment of Stressors to Estuarine Fish Habitats in the Contiguous United States. Estuaries and Coasts. doi:10.1007/s12237-014-9855-9
Hendrix, N., A. Criss, E. Danner, C. M. Greene, H. Imaki, A. Pike, and S.T. Lindley. 2014. Life Cycle Modeling Framework for Sacramento River Winter-run Chinook Salmon. NOAA Tech Memo: NOAA-TM-NMFS-SWFSC-530.
Kiffney, P. S. E. Buhle, S. Naman, G. Pess, and R. Klett. 2014. Linking resource availability, habitat structure and local density to stream organisms: An experimental and observational assessment. Ecosphere 5:art39. http://dx.doi.org/10.1890/ES13-00269.1
McMillan, J. R. M. McHenry, G. R. Pess, R. Moses and T. P. Quinn. 2014. Documentation of Unusual, Fall Spawning by Coastal Cutthroat Trout in the Elwha River System, Washington. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 143(6):1605-1611.
Naman, S., P. Kiffney, G. Pess, and T. Buehrens. 2014. Abundance and body condition of sculpin (Cottus spp.) in a small forest stream following recolonization by juvenile coho salmon (Oncorynchus kisutch). River Research and Applications 30: 360-371.
Pess, G. R., T. P. Quinn, S. R. Gephard, and R. Saunders. 2014. Re-colonization of Atlantic and Pacific rivers by anadromous fishes: linkages between life history and the benefits of barrier removal. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 24:881–900.
Pollock, M. M., and T. J. Beechie. 2014. Does riparian forest restoration thinning enhance biodiversity? The ecological importance of large wood. Journal of the American Water Resources Association 50(3):543-559.
Pollock, M. M., T. J. Beechie, J. M. Wheaton, C. E. Jordan, N. Bouwes, N. Weber, and C. Volk. 2014. Using beaver dams to restore incised stream ecosystems. Bioscience 64(4):279-290.
Roni, P., T. J. Beechie, G. R. Pess, and K. Hanson. 2014. Fact and fiction regarding wood placement in streams. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. doi:10.1139/cjfas-2014-0344.
Roni, P., G. R. Pess, T. J. Beechie, and K. Hanson. 2014. Fish-habitat relationships and the effectiveness of habitat restoration. U.S. Dept. of Commerce, NOAA Tech. Memo., NMFS-NWFSC-127, 154 p.
Roni, P., G. Pess, J. O’Neal, and R. Scranton. 2014. Study Plan for Programmatic Approach to Monitoring Effectiveness of Fish Passage Projects. Final Report to BPA June 2014. [Other Publications/Contract Reports]
Roni, P., G. Pess, J. O’Neal, and R. Scranton. 2014. Study Plan for Programmatic Approach to Monitoring Instream Habitat Structure Projects. Final Report to BPA June 2014. [Other Publications/Contract Reports]
Roni, P., G. Pess, J. O’Neal, and R. Scranton. 2014. Study Plan for Programmatic Approach to Monitoring Riparian. Final Report to BPA June 2014. [Other Publications/Contract Reports]
Roni, P., G. Pess, J. O’Neal, and R. Scranton. 2014. Study Plan for Programmatic Monitoring of Land Acquisition and Habitat Protection Actions in the Columbia Basin. Final Report to BPA June 2014. [Other Publications/Contract Reports]
Roni, P., J. O’Neal, G. Pess, T. Beechie and R. Scranton. 2014. Study Plan for Programmatic Monitoring of Off-Channel & Floodplain Projects in Columbia Basin. Final Report to BPA June 2014. [Other Publications/Contract Reports]
Roni, P., R. Scranton, and J. O'Neal. 2014. Action Effectiveness Monitoring of Tributary Habitat Improvement: a Programmatic Approach for the Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program. [Final Report to BPA June 2014].
Anderson, J. H., G. R. Pess, P. M. Kiffney, T. R. Bennett, P. Faulds, T. P. Quinn. 2013. Dispersal of colonizing juvenile coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch): tributary immigration and the influence of emergence date and kin association. Ecology of Freshwater Fish, 22:30-42. doi:0.1111/j.1600-0633.2012.00589.x
Bærum, K., T. Haugen, P. Kiffney, E. Oslen, and A. Vøllestad. 2013. Interacting effects of temperature and population density on individual growth in a wild population of brown trout. Freshwater Biology 56:1329-1339.
Beechie, T., G. Pess, S. Morley, L. Butler, P. Downs, A. Maltby, P. Skidmore, S. Clayton, C. Muhlfeld, and K. Hanson. 2013. Chapter 3: Watershed assessments and identification of restoration needs. Pages 50-113 In Roni, P. and Beechie, T. (eds.) Stream and watershed Restoration: A Guide to Restoring Riverine Processes and Habitats. Wiley-Blackwell, Chichester, UK.
Beechie, T., J. Richardson, A. Gurnell, and J. Negishi. 2013. Chapter 2: Watershed processes, human impacts, and process-based restoration. Pages 11-49 In Roni, P. and Beechie, T. (eds.) Stream and watershed Restoration: A Guide to Restoring Riverine Processes and Habitats. Wiley-Blackwell, Chichester, UK.
Beechie, T., P. Roni, and G. Pess. 2013. Chapter 9: Synthesis: developing comprehensive restoration programs. Pages 280-289 In Roni, P. and Beechie, T. (eds.) Stream and watershed Restoration: A Guide to Restoring Riverine Processes and Habitats. Wiley-Blackwell, Chichester, UK.
Burke, B. J., M. Liermann, D. J. Teel, and J. J. Anderson. 2013. Environmental and geospatial factors drive juvenile Chinook salmon distribution during early ocean migration. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 70(8):1167-1177, 10.1139/cjfas-2012-0505.
Busch, D. S., C. M. Greene, and T. P. Good. 2013. Estimating Effects of Tidal Power Projects and Climate Change on Threatened and Endangered Marine Species and Their Food Web. Conservation Biology 27(6):1190-1200.
Coe, H. J., X. Wei and P. M. Kiffney. 2013. Linking forest harvest and landscape factors to benthic macroinvertebrate communities in the interior of British Columbia. Hydrobiologia 717(1):65-84.
Lanman, C. W., K. Lundquist, H. Perryman, J. E. Asarian, B. Dolman, R. B. Lanman, and M. M. Pollock. 2013. The historical range of beaver (Castor canadensis) in coastal California: an updated review of the evidence. California Fish and Game 99(4):193-221.
Lisi, P. J., D. E. Schindler, K. T. Bentley, and G. R. Pess. 2013, Association between geomorphic attributes of watersheds, water temperature, and salmon spawn timing in Alaskan streams, Geomorphology 185, 1 March: 78-86. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.geomorph.2012.12.013
McMillan, J. R., M. C. Liermann, J. Starr , G. R. Pess, and X. Augerot. 2013. Using a Stream Network Census of Fish and Habitat to Assess Models of Juvenile Salmonid Distribution, Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 142:4, 942-956 http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00028487.2013.790846.
National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) with C. Greene. 2013. Groundfish Essential Fish Habitat Synthesis: A Report to the Pacific Management Council. NOAA NMFS Northwest Fisheries Science Center, Seattle, WA, April 2013. 107 p.
Pess, G. R., T. P. Quinn, D. E. Schindler, M. Liermann. 2013. Freshwater habitat associations between pink (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha), chum (O. keta), and Chinook salmon (O. tshawytscha) in a watershed dominated by sockeye salmon (O. nerka) abundance. Ecology of Freshwater Fish. doi: 10.1111/eff.12088.
Reum, J. C., T. E. Essington, C. M. Greene, C. A. Rice, K. L. Fresh. 2013. Biotic and abiotic controls on body size during a critical life history stage of a pelagic fish, Pacific herring (Clupea pallasi). Fisheries Oceanography, 22(4):324-336.
Roni, P. and T. Beechie. 2013. Stream and Watershed Restoration: a guide for restoring riverine processes and habitats. Wiley-Blackwell, Chichister, UK. 300p.
Roni, P. and T. Beechie. 2013. Chapter 1: Introduction to restoration: Key steps for designing effective restoration programs and projects. Pages 1-10 In Roni, P. and Beechie, T. (eds.) Stream and Watershed Restoration: a guide to restoring riverine processes and habitats. Wiley-Blackwell, Chichester, UK.
Roni, P. T. Beechie, S. Schmutz, and S. Muhar. 2013. Chapter 6: Prioritization of watersheds and restoration projects. Pages 189-214 In Roni, P. and Beechie, T. (eds.) Stream and Watershed Restoration: a guide to restoring riverine processes and habitats. Wiley-Blackwell, Chichester, UK.
Roni, P., M. Liermann, S. Muhar, and S. Schmutz. 2013. Chapter 8: Monitoring and evaluation of restoration actions. Pages 254-279 In Roni, P. and Beechie, T. (eds.) Stream and Watershed Restoration: a guide to restoring riverine processes and habitats. Wiley-Blackwell, Chichester, UK.
Roni, P., G. Pess, K. Hanson, and M. Pearsons. 2013. Chapter 5: Selecting appropriate stream and watershed restoration techniques. Pages 144-188 In Roni, P. and Beechie, T. (eds.) Stream and watershed Restoration: A Guide to Restoring Riverine Processes and Habitats. Wiley-Blackwell, Chichester, UK.
Skidmore, P., T. Beechie, G. Pess, J. Castro, B. Cluer, C. Thorne, C. Shea, and R. Chen. 2013. Chapter 7: Developing, designing, and implementing restoration projects. Pages 215-253 In Roni, P. and Beechie, T. (eds.) Stream and Watershed Restoration: a guide to restoring riverine processes and habitats. Wiley-Blackwell, Chichester, UK.
Beechie, T. J., G. R. Pess, H. Imaki. 2012. Estimated changes to Chinook salmon and steelhead habitat carrying capacity from rehabilitation actions for the Trinity River, North Fork Trinity to Lewiston Dam. Contract Report to the US Fish and Wildlife Service, 39 p.
Beechie, T., H. Imaki, J. Greene, A. Wade, H. Wu, G. Pess, P. Roni, J. Kimball, J. Stanford, P. Kiffney, and N. Mantua. 2012. Restoring salmon habitat for a changing climate. River Research and Applications. DOI: 10.1002/rra.2590.
Cram, J., C. E. Torgersen, R. Klett, G. R. Pess, D. May, T. N. Pearsons, and A. Dittman. 2012. Tradeoffs between homing and habitat quality for spawning site selection by hatchery-origin Chinook salmon. Environmental Biology of Fishes. doi:10.1007/s10641-012-00261.
Johnson, C. L., P. Roni, and G. R. Pess. 2012. Adult Fitness as a Primary Factor Limiting Egg-to-Fry Survival of Spring Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) in Upper Yakima River Basin. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 141(5):1259-1309.
McMillan, J. R., R. Moses, M. McHenry, L. Ward, K. Frick, S. Brenkman, P. Crain, P. Kennedy, H. Hugunin, O. Stefankiv and G. Pess. November 2012. Unbuild it and they will come: Initial Stages of Salmon Recolonization In the Elwha River. The WA/BC chapter newsletter.
Morley, S. A., J. D. Toft, and K. Hanson. 2012. Ecological effects of shoreline armoring on intertidal habitats of a Puget Sound urban estuary. Estuaries and Coasts 35(3):774-784. doi:10.1007/s12237-012-9481-3.
Pess, G. R., R. Hilborn, K. Kloehn, and T. P. Quinn. 2012. The influence of population dynamics and environmental conditions on pink salmon recolonization after barrier removal. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 69:970-982. doi:10.1139/F2012-030.
Pollock, M. M, T. J. Beechie, and H. Imaki. 2012. Using reference conditions in ecosystem restoration: an example for riparian conifer forests in the Pacific Northwest. Ecosphere 3:art98. http://dx.doi.org/10.1890/ES12-00175.1
Roni, P. T. Bennett, R. Holland, G. Pess, K. Hanson, R. Moses, M. McHenry, W. Ehinger and J. Walter. 2012. Factors Affecting Migration Timing, Growth, and Survival of Juvenile Coho Salmon in Two Coastal Washington Watersheds, Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, 141:4, 890-906.
Steel, E. A., A. E. Tillotson, D. A. Larsen, A. H. Fullerton, K. P. Denton, and B. R. Beckman. 2012. Beyond the mean: The role of variability in predicting ecological effects of stream temperature on salmon. Ecosphere 3(11):Article 104.
Stout, H. A., P. W. Lawson, D. L. Bottom, T. Cooney, M. J. Ford, C. E. Jordan, R. G. Kope, L. M. Kruzic, G. R. Pess, G. H. Reeves, M. D. Scheuerell, T. C. Wainwright, R. S. Waples, E. Ward, L. Weitkamp, J. G. Williams, and T. H. Williams. 2012. Scientific conclusions of the status review for Oregon coast coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch). U.S. Dept. of Commerce, NOAA Tech. Memo., NMFS-NWFSC-118, 242 p.
Volk, C. J., and P. M. Kiffney. 2012. Comparison of fatty acids and elemental nutrients in periphyton, invertebrates, and cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarki) in conifer and alder-dominated watersheds of western Washington state. Aquatic Ecology 46: 85-89.
Ward, E., G. R. Pess, K. Anlauf-Dunn, and C. E. Jordan. 2012. Applying time series models with spatial correlation to identify the scale of variation in habitat metrics related to threatened coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) in the Pacific Northwest. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences.
Bennett, T. R., R. C. Wissmar, and P. Roni. 2011. Fall and spring emigration timing of juvenile coho salmon from East Twin River. Northwest Science 85(4):562-570.
Cram. J., P. Kiffney, R. Klett, and R. Edmonds. 2011. Do fall additions of salmon carcasses increase abundance and biomass of periphyton, invertebrates, and fishes in experimental streams? Hydrobiologia 675: 197-209.
Hall, J. E., M. M. Pollock, and S. M. Hoh. 2011. Methods for successful establishment of cottonwood and willow along an incised stream in semiarid eastern Oregon, USA. Ecological Restoration 29(3):261-269.
Pess, G. R., M. Liermann, M. L. McHenry, R. J. Peters, and T. R. Bennett. 2011. Juvenile salmonid response to the replacement of engineered logjams (ELJs) in the Elwha River. River Research and Applications.
Pess, G. R., P. M. Kiffney, M. Liermann, T. R. Bennett, J. H. Anderson, and T. P. Quinn. 2011. The influences of body size, habitat quality, and competition on the movement and survival of juvenile coho salmon, Oncorhynchus kisutch, during the early stages of stream re-colonization. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 140:883-897. doi:10.1080/00028487.2011.587752
Reidy Liermann, C. A., J. D. Olden, T. J. Beechie, M. J. Kennard, P. Skidmore, C. Konrad, and H. Imaki. 2011. Hydrogeomorphic classification of Washington State rivers to support emerging environmental flow management strategies. River Research and Applications. doi:10.1002/rra.1541
Rhodes, L. D., C. A. Rice, C. M. Greene, D. J. Teel, and others. 2011. Nearshore ecosystem predictors of a bacterial infection in juvenile Chinook salmon. Marine Ecology Progress Series 432:161-172
Rice, C. A., C. M. Greene, P. Moran, D. J. Teel, D. R. Kuligowski, R. R. Reisenbichler, E. M. Beamer, J. R. Karr and K. L. Fresh. 2011. Abundance, Stock Origin, and Length of Marked and Unmarked Juvenile Chinook Salmon in the Surface Waters of Greater Puget Sound. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 140:170-189.
Roni, P., G. R. Pess, T. J. Beechie, and S. A. Morley. 2011. Estimating salmon and steelhead response to watershed restoration: How much restoration is enough? North American Journal of Fisheries Management 30:1469-1484.
Skidmore, P., C. Thorne, B. Cluer, G. R. Pess, J. Castro, T. J. Beechie, and C. C. Shea. 2011. Science base and tools for evaluating stream engineering, management, and restoration proposals. U.S. Dept. of Commerce, NOAA Tech. Memo., NMFS-NWFSC-112, 255 p.
Tomlinson, M. J., S. E. Gergel, T. J. Beechie, and M. M. McClure. 2011. Long-term changes in river-floodplain dynamics: Implications for salmonid habitat in the Interior Columbia Basin, USA. Ecological Applications 21(5):1643-1658.
Beechie, T. J., D.A. Sear, J. D. Olden, G. R. Pess, J. M. Buffington, H. Moir, P. Roni, and M.M. Pollock. 2010. Process-based principles for restoring dynamic river systems. BioScience 60: 209-222.
Duda, J. J., H. Coe, S. A. Morley, and K. Kloehn. 2010. Establishing Spatial Trends in Water Chemistry and Stable Isotopes d15 N and d13 C in the Elwha River Prior to Dam Removal: A Foodweb Perspective. River Research and Applications 27:1169-1181. doi:10.1002/rra.1413
Fullerton, A. H., K. M. Burnett, E. A. Steel, R. L. Flitcroft, B. E. Feist, C. E. Torgersen, D. J. Miller, and B. L. Sanderson. 2010. Hydrological Connectivity for Riverine Fish: Measurement Challenges and Research Opportunities. Freshwater Biology, 55:2215-2237. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2427.2010.02448.x
Fullerton, A. H., D. Jensen, E. A. Steel, D. Miller, and P. McElhany. 2010. How Certain Are Salmon Recovery Forecasts? A Watershed-Scale Sensitivity Analysis. Environmental Modeling and Assessment 15(1):13-26. doi:10.1007/s10666-008-9185-z
Fullerton, A. H., E. A. Steel, Y. Caras, and I. A. Lange. 2010. Effects of Spatial Pattern and Economic Uncertainties on Freshwater Habitat Restoration Planning: a Simulation Exercise. Restoration Ecology 18(S2):354-369. doi:10.1111/j.1526-100X.2009.00620.x
Greene, C. M., J. E. Hall, K. R. Guilbault, and T. P. Quinn. 2010. Improved viability of populations with diverse life history portfolios. Biological Letters. 6:382-386.
Kiffney, P. M., and J. S. Richardson. 2010. Organic matter inputs into headwater streams of southwestern British Columbia as a function of riparian reserves and time since harvesting. Forest Ecology and Management, 260(11): 1931–1942.
Liermann, M., R. R. Sharma, and C. K. Parken. 2010. Using accessible watershed size to predict management parameters for Chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha, populations with little or no spawner-recruit data: a Bayesian hierarchical modelling approach. Fisheries Management and Ecology, 17:40–51.
Macneale, K. H., B. L. Sanderson, J. P. Courbois, and P. M. Kiffney. 2010. Effects of nonnative brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) on threatened juvenile Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) in an Idaho stream. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 19:139-152.
Macneale, K. H., P. M. Kiffney, and N. L. Scholz. 2010. Pesticides, Aquatic Food Webs And The Conservation Of Pacific Salmonids. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 9:475-482.
Pess, G. R., S. J. Brenkman, G. A. Winans, M. L. McHenry, T. J. Beechie, and J. J. Duda. 2010. The Elwha River dam removal: A major opportunity for salmon and steelhead recolonization. The Osprey (65)1-8.
Pollock, M. M., and T. J. Beechie. 2010. Response: Stream Temperature Relationships to Forest Harvest in Western Washington. Journal of American Water Resources Association.
Roni, P., G. Pess, and S. Morley. 2010. Monitoring salmon stream restoration: guidelines from the American Pacific Northwest. Pages 119 to 147 in P. Kemp, editor. Salmonid Fisheries: Freshwater Habitat Management. Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, UK.
Rosenfeld, J. S., D. Hogan, D. Palm, H. Lundqvist, C. Nilsson, and T. J. Beechie. 2010. Contrasting Landscape Influences On Sediment Supply And Stream Restoration Priorities In Northern Fennoscandia (Sweden And Finland) And Coastal British Columbia. Environmental Management 47(1):28-39.
Sharma, R. R., and M. Liermann. 2010. Using hierarchical models to estimate effects of ocean anomalies of Pacific Northwest Chinook, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha, recruitment. Journal of Fish Biology 77(8):1948-1963.
Steel, A., R. M. Hughes, A. H. Fullerton, S. Schmutz, J. Young, M. Fukushima, S. Muhar, M. Poppe, B. E. Feist, and C. Trautwein. 2010. Are we meeting the challenges of landscape-scale riverine research? A review. Living Reviews in Landscape Research 4(2010).
For More Information
Please email nwfsc.watershed.program@noaa.gov or contact the Watershed Program author for publications prior to 2010.