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Fish Habitats Results

38 results match your filter criteria.

Sampling Open Ocean Eddies in the Central North Pacific Ocean

Come along for the ride! Scientists are on a research mission to learn more about open-ocean mesoscale eddies and their impact on pelagic ecosystems in the Central North Pacific.
April 04, 2024 - Photo Gallery ,
Eleven scientists standing in a group on the back deck of a ship.

Pacific Cod Are Moving North—Will They Be Able to Spawn There?

New research predicts how spawning habitat in the Bering Sea may shift over the coming century of climate change.
June 22, 2023 - Feature Story ,
Image of Pacific cod resting on the seafloor Pacific cod in Alaska waters. Credit: NOAA Fisheries.

Deep-Sea Coral Research to Gain New Understanding of Alaska Fish Habitat

A multiyear, international study is using innovative technology to shed light on what red corals need to reproduce and sustain their populations, and how they may respond to climate change.
December 06, 2022 - Feature Story ,
A fish swimming around deep-sea corals A rockfish among deep-sea red tree corals at a study site in the Gulf of Alaska. Credit: Alaska Department of Fish and Game ROV Team.

Fisheries Habitat in the Northeast U.S. Shelf Ecosystem

We monitor the responses of fish species to changes in their habitat and use models to predict their future distribution.

Surface Slicks are Pelagic Nurseries for Diverse Ocean Fauna

Ocean features called surface slicks are an interconnected superhighway of nursery habitat for more than 100 marine species—a hidden world just below the surface.
February 04, 2021 - Feature Story ,
Slick Nursery Diversity Composite image showing examples of the remarkable diversity of larval and juvenile fish and invertebrates found living in surface slick nurseries along West Hawai’i.

More Than 30 Acres of New Reef Habitat Built Off the Southern California Coast

NOAA and partners built new rocky reef habitat that will provide healthy homes for fish and marine life. This is one of many Southern California projects restoring wetland, reef and other habitats polluted by DDT and PCBs.
December 16, 2020 - Feature Story ,
A tug boat approaching large barge with a pile of boulders off the California coast. A barge of the large rocks for the reef is moved to the project location early during construction in May. Image: Chelsea Muñoz Williams/Vantuna Research Group

Ecological Research on Rockfishes in Puget Sound

We used oceanographic modeling, acoustic tracking technology and stable isotope analyses to examine basic research questions for rockfish in Puget Sound.

Watershed Program Publications

Publications of the Northwest Fisheries Science Center's Watershed Program from 2010-present.

Monitoring Guidance and Tools Research Products

The NWFSC Watershed Program's select publications related to restoration effectiveness research.