Metadata for daily fish counts and densities .csv files. Data are reported for each 10-m along-river segment (26km, 10m segments = 2,615 rows of data).
These data are NOT to be used for navigation.
Counts + Density Column Headings [A:R]
binID: unique identifier for each 10-m along-river segment
segmId: unique identifier for each 10-m along-river segment
E: easting (m)
N: northing (m)
Vol_river: volume of the river for that segment
NtoS_binID: duplicate of binID
bin10m: identifier of which 10-m bin the 10-m bin falls within
bin100m: identifier of which 100-m bin the 10-m bin falls within
bin1000m: identifier of which 1000-m bin the 10-m bin falls within
bin2000m: identifier of which 2000-m bin the 10-m bin falls within
Segm10m: unique identifier for each 10-m along-river segment (recommended to use)
SecStr: identification for which reach (using C, R, A convention) the 10-m bin falls within
Block: identification for which block (1-3) the 10-m bin falls within
Secnum: identification for which reach (using 1-9 convention) the 10-m bin falls within
ReachStr: identification for which reach (using 1-19 convention) the 10-m bin falls within
N10: northing centerpoint for 10-m bin (m)
E10: easting centerpoint for 10-m bin (m)
RG_GLO: identifier of which receiver gates the 10-m bin falls between
Counts + Density Column Headings [S:end]
The next portion is a series of columns, one for each sampling day and/or river pass. NA for no data (not sampled, data not processed). Labeling convention as follows:
- (C or D): count or density
- (120 or 200): horizontal (120) or vertical (200) transducer
- (yearmonthday)
- (pass number)
- (t1x or t2x): horizontal (t1x) or vertical (t2x) transducer
For example — >
C_120_20140324_2_t1x =
counts from the horizontal transducer on March 24 2014, pass 2
Volume Column Headings
Segm10m: unique identifier for each 10-m along-river segment (key to pair with counts + density datasets)
Vol_river: volume of the river for 10-m along-river segment
Vsamp_2015h: sampled volume for 10-m along-river segment by horizontal sonar
Vsamp_2015v: sampled volume for 10-m along-river segment by vertical sonar
The next portion is a series of columns, one for each sampling day and/or river pass. The same rules outlined above apply, simply with V_ instead of C_ or D_.
For example — >
V_120_20140324_2_t1x =
volume sampled by the horizontal transducer on March 24, 2014, pass 2