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Caribbean Island-based Fishery Management Plans


This action would transition fisheries management from the historic U.S. Caribbean-wide approach to an island-based approach
Fishing Type
Commercial, Recreational, Subsistence
Action Status
Final Rule
Point of Contact
Maria Lopez, Maria.Lopez@noaa.gov, 727-824-5305


The Secretary of Commerce approved the Puerto Rico, St. Thomas and St. John, and St. Croix Fishery Management Plans in September 2020. The final rule to implement the new fishery management plans published in September 2022, and the plans will be in effect on October 13, 2022.

These fishery management plans transition fisheries management in federal waters from the historic U.S. Caribbean-wide approach to an island-based approach, in order to be attentive to the unique biological, economic, and cultural attributes of each island or island group. This island-based approach to management facilitates a more responsive and nuanced fishery management framework and provides the foundation for an ecosystem-based approach to managing fisheries in the U.S. Caribbean region.

Puerto Rico FMP

St. Croix FMP

St. Thomas and St. John FMP


NOAA Fisheries anuncia reglamentación final que implementa los planes de manejo para las pesquerías de las zonas económicas exclusivas de Puerto Rico, St. Thomas y St. John y Santa Cruz

FB22-058: Caribbean Fishery Bulletin. For more information, contact: María del Mar López-Mercer, 727-824-5305, maria.lopez@noaa.gov
September 13, 2022 -

NOAA Fisheries Announces Final Rule to Implement the Puerto Rico, St. Thomas and St. John, and St. Croix Fishery Management Plans

FB22-058: Caribbean Fishery Bulletin. For more information, contact: María del Mar López-Mercer, 727-824-5305, maria.lopez@noaa.gov
September 13, 2022 -

Solicitud de comentarios: Reglamentación propuesta para implementar planes de manejo para las pesquerías de las zonas económicas exclusivas de Puerto Rico, St. Thomas y St. John y Santa Cruz

FB22-028: Caribbean Fishery Bulletin. For more information, contact: María del Mar López-Mercer, 727-824-5305, maria.lopez@noaa.gov
May 19, 2022 -

Request for Comments: Proposed Rule to Implement the Puerto Rico, St. Thomas and St. John, and St. Croix Fishery Management Plans

FB22-028: Caribbean Fishery Bulletin. For more information, contact: María del Mar López-Mercer, 727-824-5305, maria.lopez@noaa.gov
May 19, 2022 -

Solicitud de comentarios: Aviso de Disponibilidad de los Planes de Manejo de Pesquerías por Isla (Puerto Rico, San Tomas-San John y Santa Cruz) en el Caribe Estadounidense

FB20-039: Caribbean Fishery Bulletin. For more information, contact: Maria del Mar Lopez, 727-824-5305, maria.lopez@noaa.gov
June 26, 2020 -

Request for Comments: Notice of Availability for the Island-based Fishery Management Plans in the U.S. Caribbean

FB20-039: Caribbean Fishery Bulletin. For more information, contact: Maria del Mar Lopez, 727-824-5305, maria.lopez@noaa.gov
June 26, 2020 -

Last updated by Southeast Regional Office on 12/16/2024