Incidental Take Authorization: Naval Station Mayport Bravo Wharf Maintenance, Jacksonville, Florida
On August 3, 2016, NOAA Fisheries issued an IHA to the U.S. Navy for Year 1 of the Bravo Wharf Recapitalization Project (81 FR 52637; August 9, 2016). On February 22, 2017, NOAA Fisheries published a notice of a revision of the IHA (82 FR 11344), revising the effective authorization dates from March 13, 2017, through March 12, 2018.
On January 9, 2018, the Navy formally requested that NOAA Fisheries issue an IHA for one year from May 14, 2018 in order to complete a subset of the construction activity previously covered by the 2017 IHA. NOAA Fisheries issued the IHA to the U.S. Navy (Navy) for the take, by Level B harassment only, of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus), incidental to the Bravo Wharf Recapitalization Project at Bravo Wharf, Naval Station Mayport, Florida, effective May 14, 2018, to May 13, 2019.
Federal Register
Supporting Materials
- Second Issued IHA (2018) [pdf, 6 pages]
- First Issued IHA (revised 2017) [pdf, 5 pages]
- IHA Application [pdf, 69 pages]
- Public Comments [pdf 2 pages]
- References Cited [pdf, 11 pages]
- U.S. Navy's Environmental Assessment [pdf, 748 pages]
- FONSI [pdf, 6 pages]
- Marine Mammal Monitoring Plan [pdf, 19 pages]
- 2017 Monitoring Report [pdf, 84 pages]