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Proposed Policies and Procedures for the National Inventory of Marine Mammals


Marine Mammal Protection Act
Action Status


The Marine Mammal Protection Act requires NOAA Fisheries to establish and maintain an inventory of marine mammals in zoos and aquariums (including cetaceans and pinnipeds, excluding walrus).

The NOAA Fisheries, Office of Protected Resources sought public comment on proposed policies and procedures for the maintenance of data and administration of our current database, the National Inventory of Marine Mammals (NIMM). Specifically, we asked for comments on the maintenance of historical information, reporting births and stillbirths, reporting cause of death, and other administrative procedures for NIMM.

The public comment period ended on July 31, 2019. You can view the comments received on this action at the Federal e-Rulemaking Portal.

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Office: 301-427-8401

Last updated by Office of Protected Resources on 05/04/2022