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Proposed Rule to Revise Pacific Coast Groundfish Regulations Pertaining to Certified Catch Monitors and Certified Observers Required for Vessels in Various Sectors of Commercial Groundfish Fisheries


Fishing Type
Affected Species
Action Status
Proposed Rule


This action would revise Pacific Coast Groundfish Fishery regulations pertaining to certified catch monitors and certified observers required for vessels in the Shorebased Individual Fishery Quota Program, the Mothership Coop Program, the Catcher/Processor Coop Program, and for processing vessels in the fixed gear or open access fisheries. This action also specifies permitting requirements for persons interested in providing certified observers and certified catch monitor services; updates observer provider and vessels responsibilities relative to observer safety; makes minor revisions relative to administration of the programs, and proposes numerous housekeeping measures. This action affects individuals serving as certified catch monitors and observers, persons that provide certified catch monitors and observers, vessels that are required to carry certified observers, and persons that are required to employ the services of certified catch monitors.

Submit comments on or before March 21, 2014.

Federal Register

Last updated by West Coast Regional Office on 04/09/2020

Observer Program