Yankee Fork and Panther Creek Spring/summer Chinook Hatchery Plans
NOAA Fisheries proposes to make two Endangered Species Act (ESA) section 4(d) determinations for hatchery operations in the Yankee Fork and Panther Creek, upper Salmon River tributaries. An environmental assessment and a Proposed Evaluation and Pending Determination document are available for public review and comment (see Supporting Materials, below).
Two ESA Section (4) Limit 6 determinations may be made, which allow for state or federal hatchery programs to be operated. These programs propagate Snake River spring/summer Chinook salmon, which are-ESA listed.
The hatchery programs are intended to:
- Supplement or support local natural salmon populations;
- Mitigate for fish losses caused by the construction and operation of the dams on the Lower Snake River dams; and
- Provide fishing opportunities for states and tribes.
These programs, which are described in separate Hatchery and Genetics Management Plans (HGMPs), were submitted to NOAA Fisheries for review and authorization. These HGMPs describe the programs in detail, including monitoring and evaluation to assess performance in meeting conservation and supplementation objectives and their effects on ESA-listed spring Chinook salmon and steelhead. The HGMPs were submitted for the above-mentioned ESA compliance pathways.