Independent Reviews of NOAA Fisheries' Steller Sea Lion Research and Management
Reviews of management documents and actions and science center research
Biological Opinions
- Center for Independent Experts (CIE) Review of the November 2010 Biological Opinion on the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands and Gulf of Alaska Groundfish Fisheries
- Review of the November 2000 Biological Opinion on the Fishery Management Plans, the North Pacific Fisheries Management Council, Science and Statistical Committee, May 2001
Fisheries Management
- A review of proposed fishery management actions and the decline of Steller sea lions Eumetopias jubatus in Alaska, Alaska Steller Sea Lion Restoration Team, August 2001
Recovery Plan
- Review of the 2007 Draft Revised Steller Sea Lion Recovery Plan, W. D. Bowen (Chair), D. J. Boness, L. F. Lowry, for the North Pacific Research Board, July 2007
- Review of the Draft Revised Steller Sea Lion Recovery Plan, Dr. Mark A. Hindell for the Center for Independent Experts, 2007
- Review of the May 2007 Draft Revised Recovery Plan for the Steller sea lion, for the Center for Independent Experts, Professor John Harwood, June 2007
- Review of the Steller Sea Lion Recovery Plan, for the Center of Independent Experts, Dr. Simon Goldsworthy, South Australian Research & Development Institute, June 2007
Research Permitting
- Report of the Independent Review Panel on the National Marine Fisheries Service’s Implementation of the Permit Program for Research on Steller Sea Lions and Northern Fur Seals. 48p. Appendix C to the Policy and Guidance for Implementation of the Steller Sea Lion and Northern Fur Seal Research Permits and Grants Programs under the Preferred Alternative of the 2007 Final Programmatic EIS. Bowen, W. D., Gage, L., Goodman, D., and Lowry, L. 2008.
- Steller Sea Lion Telemetry Studies: A review conducted for the Center for Independent Experts, Ian L Boyd, 2004
- Review of National Marine Mammal Laboratory Steller Sea Lion Satellite Telemetry Program for the Center for Independent Experts, Bernie McConnell, University of St Andrews, June 2004
- Review of the National Marine Mammal Laboratories Steller Sea Lion Telemetry Program, Mark A. Hindell, University of Tasmania, 2004
Additional Reviews
- The Decline of the Steller Sea Lion in Alaskan Waters - Untangling Food Webs and Fishing Nets, National Academy of Sciences, December 2002
- The Bering Sea Ecosystem, National Academy of Sciences, 1996