Project Name: Black Bear Lake
FERC Project Number: P-10440
Water Body: Black Bear Creek
Region: Southeast
Type of Project: Lake Tap
Status: Operating
Primary User: Craig, Klawok, Hydaburg
Operating Utility: Alaska Power and Telephone Company
FERC License Expiration: September 11, 2043
Nameplate Power Capacity (MW): 4.5
Annual Estimate Generation (GWH): 23
Surface Area of Impoundment (acres): 215
Project Details: Lake siphon, 600' long siphon, 30" diameter 4,900 foot-long above ground penstock to powerhouse. The project is located about 15 miles northeast of Klawock on Prince of Wales Island.
NOAA Fisheries Trust Resources: Sockeye, chum, coho, and pink salmon
NOAA Fisheries Area of Interest: Water quality and quantity for habitat protection.