Swan Lake Hydroelectric Facility
Swan Lake is an older dam about 20 miles north of Ketchikan.
Project Name: Swan Lake Hydroelectric Facility
FERC Project Number: P-2911
Water Body: Falls Creek, Carrol Inlet
Region: Southeast
Type of Project: Storage Dam
Status: Operating
Primary User: Ketchikan
Operating Utility: Southeast Alaska Power Agency
FERC License Expiration: June 30, 2030
Nameplate Power Capacity (MW): 22
Annual Estimate Generation (GWH): 78
Surface Area of Impoundment (acres): 1,567
Project Details: 174-foot high, 480-foot long creating 102,476 acre feet of storage; in 2018 gates were added to the spillway thereby increasing maximum pool height by 15 feet.
NOAA Fisheries Trust Resources: Sockeye, coho, and Chinook salmon, and steelhead trout
NOAA Fisheries Area of Interest: Post licensing monitoring of fish populations and instream flow