Recordkeeping and Reporting for Federal Fisheries in Alaska
All U.S. vessels harvesting Exclusive Economic Zone fish and shoreside processors, stationary floating processors, and motherships receiving EEZ fish are required to hold a Federal permit and thus comply with recordkeeping and reporting requirements.
Reporting Forms
- Reporting Forms: Online and/or fillable forms for all Alaska federal fisheries
- Out-of-state eLandings Manual Landing Report: Report for non-Alaska shoreside processors that receive from catcher vessels groundfish harvested in the Bering Sea, Aleutian Islands, or the Gulf of Alaska (PDF)
- ADF&G Fish Tickets
- ADF&G Commercial Operator's Annual Report (COAR)
- eFISH - NOAA Fisheries Alaska Region's online Fisheries Information System provides registered buyers and fishermen access to their NMFS permit accounts to: check account and vessel balances and landing ledger reports, quota share holdings reports, and processor quota share holding reports from various fisheries; report landings; conduct quota transfers; renew certain fishery permits; submit ex-vessel value and volume reports; pay cost-recovery fees for crab, IFQ, observer and rockfish programs; report a Guided Angler Fish (GAF) landing and check a GAF permit balance.
Interagency Electronic Reporting System
- Interagency Electronic Reporting System (IERS) for reporting commercial fishery landings in Alaska. To report groundfish and crab landings, report daily production and submit logbooks industry can use:
- eLandings - web based electronic reporting system, or
- seaLandings - stand alone electronic reporting software
- eLogbook for Catcher/processors, Motherships and Catcher Vessels
- tLandings for Salmon and Groundfish
Related Information
- Recordkeeping and Reporting - Federal Register Rules and Notices
- Fisheries Monitoring and Reporting
- Federal Fisheries Regulations
- Fishery Management Boundaries
- Federal Fisheries in Alaska
- ADF&G Statistical Area Charts
- NOAA Search and Rescue Satellite Aided Tracking
- Privacy Act System of Records