Applications for the new Limited Entry (LE) Deep-Set Buoy Gear (DSBG) permit will only be available for one more week. The DSBG gear endorsements for highly migratory species (HMS) permits will still be available after the LE DSBG deadline on August 7, 2023.
Two types of permits are available for vessels employing deep-set buoy gear:
- LE DSBG permits are required for persons inside the Southern California Bight (defined by a northern boundary of 34°26′54.96″ N latitude [i.e., Point Conception, California], a southern boundary of the U.S.-Mexico maritime border, and a western boundary of 120°28′18″ W longitude) who target, retain, transship, or land fish captured with DSBG.
- Open Access HMS permits with DSBG endorsement are required for persons shoreward of the seaward boundary of the exclusive economic zone (EEZ) off Oregon and California who target, retain, transship, or land fish captured with DSBG.
To apply for either of these permits, please go to the NOAA Fisheries Permits website.
***********Applications are due by midnight on August 7th*************
This is a one time application period to qualify for a LE DSBG permit under tiers 1-8. There will not be another opportunity to apply for these tiers.
Applications for Open Access HMS permits are available year round.
Please refer to the Final Rule for the Fisheries Off West Coast States; Highly Migratory Fisheries; Amendment 6 to the Fishery Management Plan for West Coast Fisheries for Highly Migratory Species; Authorization of Deep-Set Buoy Gear for additional regulations and supporting materials.
For more information, contact
West Coast Permits Office at or (562) 980-4238 or visit the West Coast Region Permits page.