NOAA Fisheries has taken inseason action in the 2022 recreational and commercial ocean salmon fisheries.
- Inseason #29: Effective Thursday, July 21, 2022, at 12:01 a.m., inseason action modified the Chinook salmon landing and possession limit for the commercial salmon troll fishery across the entire north of Cape Falcon area, regardless of subarea, to: 30 Chinook salmon per vessel per landing week (Thursday through Wednesday).
- Inseason #30: Effective Friday, July 22, 2022, at 12:01 a.m., for the recreational salmon fishery from the Queets River to Leadbetter Point (Westport subarea), the daily bag limit is two salmon per day, where on Fridays and Saturdays all Chinook retention is prohibited. Sunday through Thursday, the daily bag limit allows one of the two salmon to be a Chinook salmon.
Please refer to the Federal Register notice for the West Coast Salmon Fisheries 2022 Specifications and Management Measures for additional regulations.
For more information, contact
Shannon Penna, Anadromous Harvest Management, at (562) 980-4239.