NOAA Fisheries obtained data from the 2023 Atlantic mackerel stock assessment that showed an unexpected failure of the Atlantic mackerel stock to rebuild. In order to maintain the rebuilding plan goal to have the stock rebuild by 2032, the 2024 and 2025 Atlantic mackerel acceptable biological catch is set at 3,200 mt. Reductions are made for estimated Canadian catch (74 mt), recreational catch (2,143 mt), and commercial discards (115 mt) to result in a commercial quota of 868 mt.
As a result, effective April 12, 2024, this rule also implements per-trip catch limits of 20,000 lb for limited access vessels and 5,000 lb for open access vessels. Once 80 percent of the quota is harvested, the trip limits will be further reduced to 10,000 lb for limited access permits and 2,500 lb for open access permits.
For more information, please read the notice as filed in the Federal Register.
Contact Carly Bari at, (978) 281-9150
This bulletin serves as a Small Entity Compliance Guide complying with section 212 of the Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act of 1996.