What is Happening:
NOAA Fisheries is seeking input from aquaculture growers, fishers and other members of the seafood industry, researchers, coastal community members, tribes, government partners, and the public to plan for various budget scenarios (i.e., increases, decreases) that would impact NOAA Fisheries aquaculture services. These listening sessions will provide an opportunity for you to give input on aspects of NOAA's aquaculture-related science and services that are most valuable to you.
For more information on the purpose of the listening sessions, please visit this Public Listening Session Information webpage.
Public Listening Sessions
Dates, times, and locations of the Southeast Region and nationally focused listening sessions are as follows:
- South Atlantic/Gulf of Mexico (Virtual) - February 15, 4:00p - 6:00p EST
- National - Aquaculture America, San Antonio, TX (In-person only) - February 21, 1:30p-5:00p CST
- Caribbean (Virtual) - February 23, 2:00p - 4:00p AST (1:00p - 3:00p EST)
- National (Virtual) - March 8, 3:00p - 5:00p EST
- National - National Shellfisheries Association, Charlotte, NC (In-person only) - March 20, 11:00a - 12:30p EST
To register to participate in one or more of the upcoming virtual listening sessions, visit the registration link.
Sign Up For Text Message Alerts - Find Out About Immediate Openings And Closures
NOAA's Text Message Alert Program allows you to receive important fishery related alerts via text message (SMS). Standard message & data rates may apply. You may opt-out at any time.
Text alerts you may receive include:
- Immediate fishery openings and closures
- Any significant changes to fishing regulations that happen quickly
Sign up for one or more of the following groups:
- Gulf of Mexico Recreational Fisheries Related Alerts
- Text GULFRECFISH to 888777
- Gulf of Mexico Commercial Fisheries Related Alerts
- Text GULFCOMMFISH to 888777
- South Atlantic Recreational Fisheries Related Alerts
- Text SATLRECFISH to 888777
- South Atlantic Commercial Fisheries Related Alerts
- Text SATLCOMMFISH to 888777
- Caribbean Fisheries Related Alerts
- Text CARIBFISH to 888777
Quick Glance Contact List for the NOAA Fisheries Southeast Regional Office
Permits Mailbox: The Permits Office in St. Petersburg, Florida now has a Permits mailbox in the front lobby (263 13th Ave. South, St. Petersburg, Florida 33701). You can now drop off original permits for permit transfers. Envelopes with information labels will be provided so that your documents can be attached to the correct application. The mailbox will be checked daily. For more information, contact the Permits Office at 877-376-4877.
Other contacts:
Media: Allison Garrett, 727-551-5750
Recreational Fishing Coordinator: Sean Meehan 727-885-4202