Garrett Lemons
Garrett Is a scientist for the Marine Turtle Ecology & Assessment Program (MTEAP) and manager of the stable isotope laboratory at NOAA’s Southwest Fisheries Science Center (La Jolla, California). Garrett is also the Marine Mammal and Turtle Division’s Small Boats Program representative and is deeply involved with a variety of field projects. His research experience started with coral reef and sea turtle ecology in Costa Rica as an undergraduate, and he has worked as a volunteer and contractor for the MTEAP program since 2006. Garrett joined the MTEAP staff, full-time, after obtaining his M.S. degree at San Diego State University in 2017. Garrett’s current and past research includes the analyses of trophic ecology and habitat use of sea turtles while using bulk-tissue and amino acid compound-specific stable isotope analytical techniques. His fieldwork experience spans from research cruises in Antarctica and scientific diving in the eastern Pacific, to aerial surveys of loggerhead and leatherback turtles, and field captures of southern California green turtles. Garrett lives in San Diego and enjoys spending his free time exploring the ocean and outdoors.