Heather Fulton-Bennett
Heather is the resident biologist at Little Port Walter Research Station on southern Baranof Island. She collaborates with visiting scientists on new and short-term research projects, as well as maintaining ongoing long term studies on a wide range of topics. Current projects include monitoring adult Chinook salmon returns, Walleye Pollock age and growth studies, and sampling for various contaminants in Sashin Creek fish populations. She hopes to diversify the projects hosted at the station to include mariculture, SCUBA diving, and other nearshore research, as well as increasing educational opportunities and outreach. Heather was previously at Oregon State University for her PhD, which focused on the effects of ocean acidification on coralline algal communities in Oregon and New Zealand. She has a diverse research background, including marine protected area management, ballast water treatment systems, and aspects of mariculture, including work in Mexico, Chile, Spain, and Italy. Heather received her M.Sc. in Marine Science from Moss Landing Marine Labs and B.Sc. from the University of British Columbia. She enjoys hiking, freediving, camping, and gardening.