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Man smiling and dog with snowy background

Jacek Maselko

Auke Bay Laboratories
Recruitment Energetics and Coastal Assessment
Email: jacek.maselko@noaa.gov

Jacek Maselko


Jacek received his B.S. in Biology from the University of Alaska Fairbanks, M.S. in Statistics, and Ph.D. in Bioinformatics & Computational Biology from the University of Idaho. His scientific interests have been diverse, from estimating pink salmon straying and probing rates in southern Chatham strait, to lingering oil research in PWS, to marine debris deposition and mortality due to derelict fishing gear, as well as numerous other projects during his 20+ years at AFSC. His most recent interests are in attempting to understand how biophysical models of pelagic larval dispersal contribute to the genetic population structure of rockfish, Pacific cod, sablefish, and whatever other species happens to swim by. He is also actively involved in eDNA research with the overarching goal of investigating how the genomic based inference can be leveraged to understand ecosystem processes and elucidate early life histories. In his free time, Jacek enjoys flying, skiing, climbing, and long walks on remote Alaskan beaches with his dogs.