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Julianne Wilder

Julianne Wilder, MAT

Protected Species Division
Passive Acoustics Branch
Marine Mammal Acoustics
Office: (508) 469-9332
Email: julianne.wilder@noaa.gov

Julianne Wilder, MAT


Julianne has a BS in Zoology from Oregon State University and a Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) from the University of Puget Sound. She began working for the Passive Acoustics Branch as a NOAA Hollings Scholar in 2013, studying sperm whale acoustics and distribution. She later joined the group as an acoustic analyst focusing on baleen whale acoustics. In 2018, she returned to her home state of Washington to earn her MAT and taught high school Biology and Marine Biology before rejoining the Passive Acoustics Branch in 2021 to conduct acoustic analysis informing baleen whale migratory patterns.


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