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Kali Stone

Research Fishery Biologist
Resource Ecology and Fisheries Management
Age and Growth
Email: kali.stone@noaa.gov

Kali Stone

Research Fishery Biologist

Kali Stone joined NOAA Fisheries as a research fishery biologist in the Alaska Fisheries Science Center’s Age and Growth Program (Seattle, Washington) in 2015. Kali earned a BSc in Aquatic and Fishery Sciences from the University of Washington and is actively pursuing a MSc in Aquatic and Fishery Sciences from the University of Washington. Her work ranges from providing age estimates for a variety of Alaskan groundfish species to conducting microchemical and isotopic analyses to retrospectively gain insight regarding the thermal, chemical, and spatial histories of a variety of fish species. Her research is focused on determining how the life history and growth of Arctic and sub-Arctic species change in the context of climate change and enhancing stock delineation capabilities to inform fisheries management and promote sustainable harvest practices.