Tuesday, April 6, 2021
- 12:30 PM EST - Welcome & opening introductions
- NEFSC Keynote Speech
- Theme 1 – Stock Assessment Support and Information (SASI) session & discussion An overview and discussion of current NEFSC and LMRCSC research on the conservation, management, and stock status of living marine resources including fish, invertebrates, and protected species, and the anthropogenic causes from fishing or other environmental disturbances.
- Theme 2 - Climate Impacts on Marine Ecosystems (CLIME) session & discussion An overview and discussion of understanding and predicting the long-term impacts of climate change in the marine ecosystem on the distribution and production of living marine resources, including reproduction, growth, mortality, diseases and contaminants, and sustainability.
- NEFSC Mentee Testimonials LMRCSC alumni will share and describe their experiences as students (e.g. NERTOs), and for some they will discuss their current careers as NOAA/NEFSC employees or contractors. Speakers will provide pre-recorded videos and the live Q&A questions will be annotated and submitted to presenters for response.
- NEFSC Mentor Testimonials Previous mentors of LMRCSC students describe the benefits and examples of how mentoring students and share examples of previous student projects. Speakers will provide pre-recorded videos and the live Q&A questions will be annotated and submitted to presenters for response.
- Q&A/Discussion Live Q&A from pre-recorded presentations. Discussion of the highlights and best practices mentioned in the Mentee and Mentor testimonials. In addition to other points on mentoring, communicating expectations, and other outcomes.
- 5:00 PM EST – Closing remarks & Adjourn
Happy Hour* (Google Meets details required) An optional networking session open for all attendees to convene and have free floating introductions and discussion time, or use the probing questions our engagement team has
thought up! Either way, you don’t know who may pop-in or what informative topics may pop- up, so join us if you can! This session will be offered via Google Meets and we will not be recorded.