IUU fishing activities damage our economy, hurt fishermen who play by the rules, threaten global food security, and rob future generations of precious ocean resources. The Improving International Fisheries Management Report to Congress is an important part of NOAA Fisheries’ work to improve global fisheries management, support the effective management of protected species and shark catch on the high seas; and ensure that legal, sustainable fisheries are not disadvantaged.
Three nations (Mexico, Ecuador and the Russian Federation) identified in the 2017 Report for reported IUU fishing activities have since taken corrective actions to remedy those activities which has resulted in a positive certification decision for each nation from the United States.
However, in the 2019 Report, Mexico and Ecuador are again identified for reported IUU fishing activities (occurring in 2016-2018); and the Republic of Korea is identified for reported IUU fishing activities. The report also highlights several areas of concern involving China.
NOAA Fisheries is committed to working with all nations to improve global fisheries management, and ensure that legal, sustainable fisheries are not disadvantaged.