As part of its national effort to build resilient coastal ecosystems, communities and economies, NOAA is announcing today the availability of up to $8.5 million in funding for coastal and marine habitat restoration in 2016.
NOAA is seeking proposals for habitat restoration projects under the Coastal Ecosystem Resiliency grant program. The proposed projects should reduce the risks to coastal communities from extreme weather events, changing environmental conditions and known or potential climate change effects.
“People, businesses and their communities face enormous risks from extreme weather and climate change,” said Pat Montanio, director of the Office of Habitat Conservation for NOAA Fisheries. “These grants reflect NOAA’s efforts to better understand those risks, and help them to make smart decisions for a rapidly changing planet. The funded projects will use NOAA’s environmental intelligence to reduce communities’ vulnerability to environmental threats and preserve coastal and ocean resources for future generations.”
In addition to strengthening the resiliency of coastal ecosystems, these projects will support the recovery and conservation of protected resources, and help promote productive fisheries by restoring habitat for marine life to reproduce and develop, which are key NOAA Fisheries missions.
“Investing in habitat restoration is a win-win for marine life and coastal communities,” said Montanio. “Restoration activities create healthy habitat for protected species and valuable fisheries, while also providing ecosystem services for coastal regions such as barriers against extreme storm surge or sea level rise.”
The deadline for applications for the Coastal Ecosystem Resiliency funding opportunity is August 16. NOAA will accept proposals requesting between $100,000 and $2 million. More information can be found online at or from NOAA’s Office of Habitat Conservation.
NOAA’s mission is to understand and predict changes in the Earth's environment, from the depths of the ocean to the surface of the sun, and to conserve and manage our coastal and marine resources. Join us on Facebook,Twitter, Instagram and our other social media channels.