Species Recovery Grants Reporting Requirements for Award Recipients
Semi-annual progress and financial reports and a final summary report are required for all Species Recovery Grant award recipients.
Progress Reports
Due dates
Progress reports are due no later than 30 days following each 6-month period of the award. Report due dates are based on the start date for the award as indicated on the SF-424 (which is part of the grant application) – not when funds are initially received. The final progress report may be waived by special award condition; in this case, work completed in the last 6 months of the grant would be reported as part of the final report. If you are unsure whether the last progress report is required, contact your program officer (margaret.h.miller@noaa.gov).
Ensuring the requested elements of progress reports are provided will minimize the potential that the report will be returned with a request for additional information or questions. Progress reports need not be long or overly detailed, but should be sufficiently detailed so that reviewers can understand whether project objectives are being accomplished as planned.
Progress reports should include the following information:
- Grant number.
- Project title.
- Grantee name.
- Contact information for principle investigator(s) or project manager(s).
- Dates of the award period.
- Dates covered by the progress report.
- Description of the tasks scheduled for the reporting period (as outlined in the grant proposal or in any award amendments) and tasks accomplished during the reporting period.
- Explanation of any problems or delays in accomplishing planned activities.
Progress reports should be submitted via Grants Online. Please note that recipient agency’s authorized representative will need to approve the report and forward it on to NOAA before it can be reviewed. For assistance with Grants Online, please contact the helpdesk at 1-877-662-2478.
Final Reports
Due dates
Final reports are due 90 days from the award end date.
The final, comprehensive report must cover all work completed during the award period. The report should include an executive summary of the project accomplishments that concisely summarizes the final report for potential website or program use.
Final reports should include the following information:
- Grant number.
- Project title.
- Report author(s) and contact information.
- Dates of the award period.
- Federal, non-federal match, and total funds associated with the award.
- Executive summary: a concise summary of the final report; about 500 words in length.
- Brief description of project objectives and goals.
- Methods, procedure or process used to conduct work, including identification of individuals and/or organizations that performed the work.
- Project results and/ or accomplishments; including analysis of any data, if applicable, and a discussion of the results.
- List of all biological samples collected and disposition of samples, if applicable.
- Identification and discussion of any significant problems or biases that may have contributed to less than satisfactory results.
- Description of need or any plans for additional work on this project.
- Description and analysis of the extent to which the project goals and objectives were or were not met.
- Explanation of changes to the goals and objectives, if applicable.
- Explanation of how the project results have been or will be disseminated.
As with progress reports, final reports should be submitted via Grants Online. Please note that recipient agency’s authorized representative will need to approve the report and forward it on to NOAA before it can be reviewed. For assistance with Grants Online, please contact the helpdesk at 1-877-662-2478.
Financial Reports
Financial reporting is done using Standard Form 425. These forms are submitted via Grants Online and reviewed by the NOAA Grants Management Division. For the report form (SF-425) and additional information on financial reporting, please see the NOAA Acquisitions and Grants Office page.
Publication and Acknowledgement
Publication of results or findings of the funded award activities in appropriate professional journals, or release of project results through outreach materials, press releases, and video or other media is encouraged. Any final pre-publication manuscripts of scholarly articles produced entirely or primarily with NOAA funding will be required to be submitted to NOAA Institutional Repository at https://repository.library.noaa.gov/ after acceptance, and no later than upon publication. After an embargo period of one year after publication, NOAA shall make the manuscript itself publicly visible, free of charge, while directing users to the published version of record.
For further information, please refer to NOAA’s Data Sharing Policy.
To the extent possible, when releasing information related to a funded project, please acknowledge that the work was supported by NOAA Fisheries Service through a Species Recovery Grant. However, federal funding sources shall be identified in all scholarly publications. An Acknowledgements section shall be included in the body of the publication stating the relevant Grant Program (NOAA Fisheries Species Recovery Grant) and Award Number(s). We also request that a copy of any publication resulting from a Species Recovery Grant be submitted to the Office of Protected Resources program officer (margaret.h.miller@noaa.gov).