01-101 Fishery Management Actions (PDF, 2 pages)
- 01-101-01 Procedures for Initiating Secretarial Review of Fisheries Management Plans and Amendments (PDF, 13 pages)
- 01-101-03 Operational Guidelines for the MSA Process (PDF, 65 pages)
- 01-101-06 Communication of Regional Fishery Management Council Meeting Actions (PDF, 6 pages)
- 01-101-07 Policy Guidelines for the Use of Emergency Rules (PDF, 5 pages)
- 01-101-08 Procedures on Public Comments on Fishery Management Plans (PDF, 3 pages)
- 01-101-09 Procedures to Determine Stock Status and Rebuilding Progress (PDF, 21 pages)
- 01-101-10 NOAA Fisheries Framework for Determining that Stock Status Determinations and Catch Specifications are Based on the Best Scientific Information Available (PDF, 12 pages)
- 01-101-11 Procedural Guidance for Changing Assessed Stock Status from Known to Unknown (PDF, 21 pages)
- 01-101-12 Guidance on Council Authority for Preparing Fishery Management Plans for Stocks that may Extend Across the Geographic Areas of more than One Council, Pursuant to MSA §304(f) (PDF, 15 pages)
01-105 Timely Allocation of Interjurisdictional Fisheries Act Funding (PDF, 5 pages)
01-106 National Bycatch Reduction Strategy (PDF, 10 pages)
01-111 Policy on Regulatory Flexibility Act and Regulatory Impact Review Process (PDF, 3 pages)
- 01-111-02 Guidance for Social Impact Assessment (PDF, 39 pages)
- 01-111-03 Procedures for Periodic Review of Significant Rules Under Section 610 of the Regulatory Flexibility Act (PDF, 4 pages)
- 01-111-04 Regulatory Analysis (PDF, 3 pages)
- 01-111-05 Guidelines for Economic Review of National Marine Fisheries Service Regulatory Actions (PDF, 53 pages)
01-115 Fishery Management Council Statements of Organization, practices and procedures (PDF, 2 pages)
01-116 Fishery Management Council Financial Disclosures (PDF, 5 pages)
01-117 Integration of Endangered Species Act Section 7 with Magnuson-Stevens Act Process (PDF, 12 pages)
01-118 National Saltwater Recreational Fisheries Policy (PDF, 6 pages)
01-119 Fisheries Allocation Review Policy (PDF, 5 pages)
01-120 Ecosystem-Based Fisheries Management Policy (PDF, 11 pages)
01-121 Catch Share Policy (PDF, 26 pages)
01-122 Disaster Assistance under Magnuson-Stevens Act 312(a) and Interjurisdictional Fisheries Act 308(b) and 308(d) (PDF, 11 pages)
01-123 Policy on Regulatory Process (PDF, 2 page)
30-122 Private Sector Certification of Fisheries (PDF, 3 pages)
Understanding Fisheries Management in the United States
NOAA Fisheries is responsible for managing marine fisheries within the U.S. exclusive economic zone. Learn more about the sustainable management of our marine fisheries.