Protected Species Surveys
Ship-based and aerial surveys are critical to achieving NOAA Fisheries marine mammal and sea turtle population assessment goals.
Ship-based and aerial surveys are critical to achieving NOAA Fisheries marine mammal and sea turtle population assessment goals, which include abundance estimation and examination of trends and human impacts relative to management objectives. A limited number of marine mammal and sea turtle-focused surveys are conducted and managed by our six Science Centers. These often involve more than one center, as well as internal and external collaborators. The number of protected species surveys conducted each year is dependent on funding and available ship time allocated at the national level.
Recent marine mammal-related surveys conducted and/or participated in by NOAA Fisheries:
- ASAMM Aerial Survey of Arctic Marine Mammals
- AMAPPS Atlantic Marine Assessment Program for Protected Species
- CLAWS Collaborative Large Whale Survey
- CalCurCEAS California Current Cetacean and Ecosystem Assessment Survey
- Chukchi Acoustic, Oceanographic, and Zooplankton (CHAOZ) Study (marine mammal component)
- Exxon Valdez Oil Spill (EVOS) Humpback Predation on Herring Survey
- Northeast Acoustic Marine Mammal Fall Survey
- Southern Resident Killer Whale Winter Survey
- Pacific Islands Cetaceans Survey
- Hawaiian Monk Seal Camps and Population Assessment (oceanographic data collection and beach camp support)
- Southeast Marine Mammal Summer Survey
- California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations (CalCOFI) Cruises (marine mammal component)
- Coastal Pelagic Species Surveys (marine mammal component)
- U.S. Antarctic Marine Living Resources Program Survey (marine mammal component)
For more information on surveys in which NOAA Fisheries participates, see:
- NOAA Fishery-Independent Survey System (FINSS) – publicly searchable database
- NOAA Fisheries YouTube channel – protected species videos
- Aerial Surveys of Arctic Marine Mammals (ASAMM)
- NWFSC Marine Mammal and Seabird Ecology Team Cruise Reports
- PIFSC Cruises
- Atlantic Marine Assessment Program for Protected Species (AMAPPS)
- California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations Cruises