Social Indicators Publications
Explore NOAA Fisheries' collection of publications on social indicators for coastal communities.
This page contains information on publications related to NOAA Fisheries’ social indicators for coastal communities. This is not a comprehensive list and instead highlights key publications.
Community-level fishery measures and individual fishers: Comparing primary and secondary data for the U.S. West Coast
Norman, K., D. Holland, J. Abbott, and A. Phillips. 2022. Community-level fishery measures and individual fishers: Comparing primary and secondary data for the U.S. West Coast. Ocean Coast. Manage. 224:106191.
Hawaiʻi fishing communities' vulnerability to climate change: Climate vulnerable species and adaptive capacity
Iwane, M., and J. Hospital. 2022. Hawaiʻi fishing communities' vulnerability to climate change: Climate vulnerable species and adaptive capacity. NOAA Tech. Memo. NOAA-TM-NMFS-PIFSC-136, 34 p.
Social-ecological vulnerability of fishing communities to climate change: A U.S. West Coast case study
Koehn, L. E., L. K. Nelson, J. F. Samhouri, K. C. Norman, M. G. Jacox, A. C. Cullen, J. Fiechter, M. Pozo Buil, and P. S. Levin. 2022. Social-ecological vulnerability of fishing communities to climate change: A U.S. West Coast case study. PLoS ONE 17(8):e0272120.
Community participation in Hawaiʻi commercial fisheries
Hospital, J., and K. Leong. 2021. Community participation in Hawaiʻi commercial fisheries. NOAA Tech. Memo. NOAA-TM-NMFS-PIFSC-119, 89 p.
Ecosystem Status Report of the California Current for 2020-21: A summary of ecosystem indicators compiled by the California Current Integrated Ecosystem Assessment Team (CCIEA)
Harvey, C. J., N. Garfield, G. D. Williams, and N. Tolimieri (editors). 2021. Ecosystem Status Report of the California Current for 2020–21: A summary of ecosystem indicators compiled by the California Current Integrated Ecosystem Assessment Team (CCIEA). NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-NWFSC-170, 100 p.
A practitioner's handbook for fisheries social impact assessment
Clay, P., and L. Colburn. 2020. A practitioner's handbook for fisheries social impact assessment. NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-F/SPO-212, 80 p.
Fishing to live or living to fish: Job satisfaction and identity of west coast fishermen
Holland, D. S., J. K. Abbott, and K. Norman. 2020. Fishing to live or living to fish: Job satisfaction and identity of west coast fishermen. Ambio 49(2):628–639.
Measuring health conditions and behaviours in fishing industry participants and fishing communities using the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance Survey (BRFSS)
Speir, C., C. Ridings, J. Marcum, M. Drexler, and K. Norman. 2020. Measuring health conditions and behaviours in fishing industry participants and fishing communities using the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance Survey (BRFSS). ICES J. Mar. Sci. 77(5):1830–1840.
An index of fisheries closures due to harmful algal blooms and a framework for identifying vulnerable fishing communities on the U.S. West Coast
Moore, S., M. Cline, K. Blair, T. Klinger, A. Varney, and K. Norman. 2019. An index of fisheries closures due to harmful algal blooms and a framework for identifying vulnerable fishing communities on the U.S. West Coast. Mar. Policy 110:103543.
Are you thinking what I'm thinking? A conceptual modeling approach to understand stakeholders' assessments of the fate of chesapeake oysters
Freitag, A., J. Vasslides, and H. Townsend. 2019. Are you thinking what I'm thinking? A conceptual modeling approach to understand stakeholders' assessments of the fate of chesapeake oysters. Mar. Policy 99:99–110.
Applying national community social vulnerability indicators to fishing communities in the Pacific Island region
Kleiber, D., D. Kotowicz, and J. Hospital. 2018. Applying national community social vulnerability indicators to fishing communities in the Pacific Island region. NOAA Tech. Memo. NOAA-TM-NMFS-PIFSC-65, 55 p.
Ground-truthing social vulnerability indices of Alaska fishing communities
Lavoie, A., K. Sparks, S. Kasperski, A. Himes-Cornell, K. Hoelting, and C. Maguire. 2018. Ground-truthing social vulnerability indices of Alaska fishing communities. Coast. Manage. 46(5):359–387.
Implementing ecosystem approaches to fishery management: Risk assessment in the U.S. Mid-Atlantic
Gaichas, S. K., G. S. DePiper, R. J. Seagraves, B. W. Muffley, M. G. Sabo, L. L. Colburn, and A. J. Loftus. 2018. Implementing ecosystem approaches to fishery management: Risk assessment in the U.S. Mid-Atlantic. Frontiers in Marine Science 5(442):1–25.
Linking knowledge to action in ocean ecosystem management: The ocean modeling forum
Francis, T. B., P. S. Levin, A. E. Punt, I. C. Kaplan, A. Varney, and K. Norman. 2018. Linking knowledge to action in ocean ecosystem management: The ocean modeling forum. Elementa 6(83):1–16.
Community participation in U.S. catch share programs
Colburn, L. L., M. Jepson, A. Himes-Cornell, S. Kasperski, K. Norman, C. Weng, and P. M. Clay. 2017. Community participation in U.S. catch share programs. NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-F/SPO-179, 135 p.
Indicators of climate change and social vulnerability in fishing dependent communities along the Eastern and Gulf Coasts of the United States
Colburn, L. L., M. Jepson, C. Weng, T. Seara, J. Weiss, and J. A. Hare. 2016. Indicators of climate change and social vulnerability in fishing dependent communities along the Eastern and Gulf Coasts of the United States. Mar. Policy 74:323–333.
Understanding vulnerability in Alaska fishing communities: A validation methodology for rapid assessment of indices related to well-being
Himes-Cornell, A., C. Maguire, S. Kasperski, K. Hoelting, and R. B. Pollnac. 2016. Understanding vulnerability in Alaska fishing communities: A validation methodology for rapid assessment of indices related to well-being. Ocean Coast. Manage. 124:53–65.
Using socioeconomic and fisheries involvement indices to understand Alaska fishing community well-being
Himes-Cornell, A., and S. Kasperski. 2016. Using socioeconomic and fisheries involvement indices to understand Alaska fishing community well-being. Coast. Manage. 44(1):36–70.
Assessing climate change vulnerability in Alaska’s fishing communities
Himes-Cornell, A., and S. Kasperski. 2015. Assessing climate change vulnerability in Alaska’s fishing communities. Fish. Res. 162:1–11.
Social and economic impacts of Hurricane/Post Tropical Cyclone Sandy on the commercial and recreational fishing industries: New York and New Jersey one year later
Colburn, L. L., P. M. Clay, T. Seara, C. Weng, and A. Silva. 2015. Social and economic impacts of hurricane/post tropical cyclone Sandy on the commercial and recreational fishing industries: New York and New Jersey one year later. NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-F/SPO-157, 68 p.
Taxonomy of USA east coast fishing communities in terms of social vulnerability and resilience
Pollnac, R. B., T. Seara, L. L. Colburn, and M. Jepson. 2015. Taxonomy of USA east coast fishing communities in terms of social vulnerability and resilience. Environmental Impact Assessment Review 55:136–143.
Development of social indicators of fishing community vulnerability and resilience in the U.S. Southeast and Northeast regions
Jepson, M., and L. L. Colburn. 2013. Development of social indicators of fishing community vulnerability and resilience in the U.S. Southeast and Northeast regions. NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-F/SPO-129, 64 p.
Socioeconomic indicators for United States fisheries and fishing communities
Felthoven, R., and S. Kasperski. 2013. Socioeconomic indicators for United States fisheries and fishing communities. PICES Press 21(2):20–23.
Social indicators of gentrification pressure in fishing communities: A context for social impact assessment
Colburn, L. L., and M. Jepson. 2012. Social indicators of gentrification pressure in fishing communities: A context for social impact assessment. Coast. Manage. 40(3):289–300.
Job satisfaction, well-being, and change in southern New England fishing communities
Pollnac, R. B., L. L. Colburn, T. Seara, C. Weng, and K. Yentes. 2011. Job satisfaction, well-being, and change in southern New England fishing communities. Final Report. 56 p. Commercial Fisheries Research Foundation, Saunderstown, RI.
Defining social and economic performance measures for catch share systems in the Northeast U.S.
Clay, P. M., P. Pinto da Silva, and A. Kitts. 2010. Defining social and economic performance measures for catch share systems in the Northeast U.S. p. 1–12. IIFET 2010 Montpellier Proceedings, International Institute of Fisheries Economics and Trade, Corvallis, OR.
Measuring subjective and objective well-being: Analyses from five marine commercial fisheries
Smith, C. L., and P. M. Clay. 2010. Measuring subjective and objective well-being: Analyses from five marine commercial fisheries. Human Organization 69(2):158–168.
Sociocultural data indicators
Clay, P. M. 1998. Sociocultural data indicators. In Guidelines for the routine collection of capture fishery data. Expert Consultation, 18–30 May, Bangkok, Thailand. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper No. 382. 113 p. FAO, Rome.