Frequent Questions: Electronic Vessel Trip Reporting (eVTR)
A series of questions and answers that will help make the transition to electronic Vessel Trip Reporting easier in the Greater Atlantic Region.
If you have any questions concerning electronic vessel trip reporting (eVTR) you may contact your local port agent or our vessel reporting help desk at or (978) 281-9188.
Can I use my VMS tablet for this?
You should contact the vendor of your VMS system to inquire about this.
Do you no longer care about the size of scallops being recorded?
Only hail weights are needed for eVTR’s. We receive the size or market categories from the dealer(s) you sell your catch to and those are matched to your trip.
For more information see the Electronic Vessel Trip Report (eVTR) Reporting Instructions (PDF, 52 pages).
I still use a flip phone. Can I just get a tablet without a cell plan?
Yes. You will need Wi-Fi internet access to download the app and submit reports. Also, if you are offline while on a trip you should not log out of Fish Online.
I hold a federal lobster permit and I currently use the VESL Bluefin Data App through the State of Maine to submit my eVTRs. Can I continue to use this App to submit my eVTRs?
Yes. You may use VESL to submit your lobster landings if you are a federally permitted vessel. You must use your Fish Online user credentials.
I’d like to try the eTRIPS Mobile 2 app from ACCSP. Do I use the Fish Online username and password?
No. For assistance or to obtain log-in information, call the eTrips Helpdesk at (800) 984-0810 or email SAFIS eTrips Support.
Is the permit for the vessel or the operator?
The permit is issued to a vessel and reporting is required by the vessel. Operators of federally permitted fishing vessels are also required to obtain an Operator permit.
What time is used for the trip start and end?
Local time, which in most cases this will be Eastern Time. Your device will likely set to this. The trip start is the local time a vessel leaves the dock to begin its trip. The trip end is the local time a vessel ends its trip by returning to dock.
Which software should I choose?
Much of the decision is personal preference. For a complete list of GARFO approved eVTR applications including information about each, please go to the Electronic Vessel Trip Reporting Software Options webpage.
If you have permits from both GARFO and the Southeast Regional Office for recreational fisheries or an Atlantic Highly Migratory Species Division permit for Atlantic Tunas and HMS Charter/Headboat and Angling, ACCSP eTrips/mobile is currently the only application that allows you to submit reports to both regions with a single push of a button, and is therefore the recommended system.
Do I have to pay for the reporting app?
Not necessarily. There are many approved reporting applications available. Many are free while some developers may charge. See our Software Options web page for a full listing.
Vessel Reporting Issues
Can I submit more than one eVTR in a day if I take more than one trip?
Yes, you can submit more than one eVTR in a day and each trip requires its own eVTR. Reported sail and land times should not overlap.
Can I use ACCSP’s eTrips to make my IVR reports?
No. IVR reports can only be made using one of the Fish Online apps or the website. You can use eTrips or other apps for eVTR reporting and Fish Online for IVR.
Can I use Loran coordinates to report using any of the systems?
Loran coordinates are not accepted. Reporting systems use Latitude/Longitude.
Can you offload in multiple ports on multiple days?
Yes, you may break up the offload by port and date for the same trip; each offload allows you to select the day offloaded. If transiting from one port to another to offload fish, a new eVTR is required using a No Effort Trip reason of Transit with Product Onboard.
Is the eVTR number saved if the captain turns off the phone while sailing?
The apps are designed to work offline, so the information will be saved on your device as an open trip.
How do vessels handle reporting RSA Scallop pounds in eVTR?
All RSA allocation is project-specific. The project lead (PL) is provided instructions and is responsible for ensuring proper reporting as a condition of the research permit. Vessel captains conducting RSA trips should get instructions from the PL on how to report.
What is the procedure for scallop vessels laying behind the line with product onboard that then need to start a new eVTR once the trip resumes?
Limited access scallop vessels on an open area DAS trip seeking safe harbor where they do not land or offload, but lay to behind the demarcation line should continue to use the original eVTR upon continuance of the trip.
Do I have to file electronic Vessel Trip Reports for my Clam trips in federal waters to NOAA?
Yes, you must report via eVTR any trip or effort where you are targeting Surfclam / Ocean Quahog. For more information, see the Electronic Vessel Trip Reporting (eVTR) Instructions (PDF, 52 pages).
Fish Online
Can a vessel be linked to more than one person’s Fish Online account?
Yes. A vessel owner can entitle multiple Fish Online accounts to a vessel. However, vessel operators do not need this entitlement to submit an eVTR.
Can I change my email address within Fish Online?
Yes. Please contact the Vessel Reporting Help Desk at (978) 281-9188.
Do I need an account to use the Fish Online app?
Yes. The account is also used to renew vessel and operator permits as well as obtain information about your vessel and reported fishing activity.
Does the vessel operator need a Fish Online account or just the company/owner?
Each captain needs to set-up their own Fish Online account to enable them to submit eVTRs through Fish Online. However, they do not need to be entitled to that vessel. They will not be able to access any other data about the vessel, or anyone else’s eVTRs, unless they are granted entitlement privileges by a vessel owner.
How can I change my password for my permits?
For assistance, you can call the appropriate helpline for the software you have.
- GARFO Fish Online: (978) 281-9188
How many vessels can one person link to their Fish Online account?
There is no limit.
I don’t see one of my boats when I look at my Fish Online account.
Your vessel(s) will need to be linked to your personal account. Call our Help Desk at (978) 281-9188 for assistance with this.
Can vessel operators view their reports to verify accuracy?
Each application is required to store and retrieve reports that are submitted to GARFO, with each report being electronically stamped with the date and time of submission. If a question is raised about VTR information held by GARFO, the operator can refer back to their trip report that is on their personal device.
If a company operates multiple vessels, how does the office staff get the eVTR information from each captain/vessel?
Each eVTR application provides the ability for emailing reports that are submitted. Captains can email reports directly to the company’s office staff at the time that they submit their report to GARFO.
What if there are multiple operators for a vessel or a fleet?
All vessel operators are required to set up their own accounts with GARFO and to use their own log-ins and their own devices.
Once an eVTR is submitted, can it be edited and how long do you have to make edits?
Once submitted, you can edit an eVTR almost immediately through our Fish Online system. There is no expiration of your editing ability. GARFO tracks all edits to data.
What if I have two trips on the same date, will there be an error message?
No. You may have a sail date and time end and start on the same day as long as the time sailed of the second trip is after the time landed for the previous trip.
End of Trip/Dealer
As a federally permitted vessel, am I required to provide a dealer with my eVTR Serial Number/Trip ID?
Yes, as a requirement of offloading your catch to a federally permitted dealer you must also provide that dealer with your vessel name, your federal permit number or your hull number, and the eVTR number (Trip ID).
Can a federally permitted vessel sell catch to a non-permitted dealer?
A federally permitted vessel must sell federally managed species to a federally permitted dealer. Sales of non-federally managed species may be sold to either state or federally permitted dealers.
Can I delete a submitted trip through the Fish Online eVTR app?
No. To delete a previously submitted trip report, please contact our vessel reporting help desk at or (978) 281-9188.
How do I report catch that I bring home (home pack)?
In the Dealer section of the eVTR app, enter 99998 Home Consumption for the dealer code. For a complete listing of this and other types of non-dealer codes, see the Electronic Vessel Trip Report (eVTR) Reporting Instructions (PDF, 52 pages).
How can I complete my eVTR before entering port (as is required by regulation) if I do not have Wi-Fi or cellular connection on the water?
Wi-Fi or cellular data connection is not needed to enter data into the eVTR application. You are required to submit your report within 48 hours after returning to port which does require a cellular or wi-fi connection.
How is the eVTR reconciled with the Dealer reporting?
At the time of sale, vessel operators must provide the eVTR Number (Trip ID) to the dealer(s). GARFO will compare the dealer reports and eVTRs for discrepancies.
Once the eVTR is submitted to GARFO, can it also be emailed to my sector manager or accountant?
Yes, there is an option to download the trip as a PDF so you can save it, email it, or print it.
What if a trip ends before fishing is started due to a breakdown, weather, etc.?
You can submit a No Effort trip. For more information, see the Electronic Vessel Trip Report (eVTR) Reporting Instructions (PDF, 52 pages).
More Information
Vessel Trip Reporting in the Greater Atlantic Region
Recordings of Instructional Webinars for Fish Online Reporting Apps (July - November 2021)