Vessel Trip Reporting in the Greater Atlantic Region
Vessel Trip Reports capture important information about commercial, for-hire, and recreational fishing trips.
Operators of most permitted commercial, for-hire, and private recreational tilefish vessels in the Greater Atlantic Region must submit an electronic vessel trip report for each fishing trip. These reports are important because they provide data that informs fishery science and management decisions.
See the Electronic Vessel Trip Reporting Instructions (PDF, 50 pages) to learn how to complete a report for your fishing gear. For general questions about vessel trip reporting, call (978) 281-9246 or email us at
Vessel Trip Reporting Requirement by Permit
Refer to the permits list below to see if you have vessel trip reporting requirements for any permits you possess. If you have any of the permits below you must submit trip reports for all trips taken, regardless of targeted species or waters fished.
Permits Requiring Electronic Vessel Reporting
- American Lobster
- Atlantic Mackerel
- Black Sea Bass
- Bluefish
- Herring
- Maine Mahogany Quahog
- Monkfish
- Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization Regulatory Area Authorization
- Northeast Multispecies
- Ocean Quahog
- Red Crab
- Scallop
- Scup
- Skate
- Spiny Dogfish
- Squid/Mackerel/Butterfish
- Summer Flounder
- Surf Clam
- Tilefish
- Private Recreational Tilefish
- Incidental Highly Migratory Species Squid Trawl
***Incidental Highly Migratory Species squid trawl permits do not have a vessel trip reporting requirement. However, these permits are only issued to vessels that have a valid Illex squid moratorium permit and Illex squid moratorium permits are required to submit trip reports for all trips taken, regardless of targeted species or waters fished.
How To Report Electronically
***iOS App Is Discontinued As Of January 31, 2025***
If you are the operator of a federally-permitted commercial or for-hire vessel or the operator of a federally permitted private recreational tilefish vessel, you are required to submit an electronic Vessel Trip Report (eVTR). Electronic reporting makes the collection of data more efficient, convenient, and timely for the fishing industry, fishery managers, and other data users.
- All eVTR software application options
- eVTR software development reference information
- Frequent questions about electronic reporting
Fish Online Apps
- Commercial eVTR Using Fish Online eVTR Web App
- Commercial eVTR for IFQ Clams Using Fish Online eVTR Web App
- Commercial eVTR for Lobster and Jonah Crab Using eVTR Web App
- For-hire eVTR Using Fish Online eVTR Web App
- Private Recreational eVTR Using Fish Online eVTR Web App
- Lindsey Bergmann, Analysis and Program Support, (978) 282-8418
- Greater Atlantic Region Port Agents