Use this page for guidance on filling in eVTR fields on the app to complete your report.
Getting Started
- Log in to the Fish Online Vessel Trip Reporting Web Page using your Fish Online account username and password.
- For those using an Android device or a computer, tap or click the Install tab so that the app will be saved to your device.
- For iOS users, save the reporting page as an app by selecting Add to home screen using the forward icon located at the bottom of the device:
NOTE: When you use the installed app, you may complete your trip report without an internet connection; however, an internet connection is required to submit the data.
Lobster Reporting Instruction Video
Electronic Vessel Trip Report (eVTR) Reporting Instructions (PDF, 52 pages)
Report a Trip with Catch
Vessel Information
- Once logged in, click or tap the + icon in the top right corner of the screen.
- Enter the Date Sailed by choosing the blue button for the current day and time or clicking the Date Sailed field and a calendar and clock will appear.
- Click Vessel Permit field and enter your Permit Number, or select your vessel from the dropdown. Select Next.
- Enter the Trip Type (for example, Commercial - Lobster / Jonah Crab) and Number of Crew. Vessel operators should already be entered based on the individual's username and password (or select the vessel operator from the dropdown, then select Next). If the vessel operator cannot be located, contact the Help Desk or your local GARFO Port Agent for assistance.
- Check for accuracy.
- Select Add Effort at the bottom of the screen.
- Select Gear Code of PTLL-Pot,Lobster or PTCL-Pot,Crab.
- Enter Mesh / Ring Size (entrance ring/hoop size of the lobster pot) then select Next.
- Enter Chart Area, Fishing Depth (fathoms), then select Next.
- Enter Latitude/Longitude by selecting either the Current Location button (using the device’s GPS) or by selecting your preferred Latitude / Longitude format and entering it manually, then select Next.
- Enter Total Number of Pots This Area.
- Enter Total Number of Buoy Lines In This Area.
- Enter Number of Pots Hauled In This Area.
- Enter Number of Strings Hauled This Area.
- Enter Average Number of Pots Per String Hauled This Area.
- Enter Average Soak Time Of Strings Hauled This Area.
- Select Save.
- Select Add Catch at the bottom of the screen.
- Enter Species caught by searching by name or species code.
- Enter the amount Kept and Discarded (if you discarded no fish, you must enter 0 into the Discard field), then select Save.
- To add more catch items, select Add Catch again and repeat Steps 2 and 3. When done adding catch, select Trip Review at the bottom of the screen.
- If adding another Effort for this trip, select Add Effort and follow the steps above in Effort.
Landing and Offload
- Select Add Landing from the bottom of the screen.
- Enter the Date Land by choosing the blue button for the current day and time, or clicking the Date Landed field and a calendar and clock will appear.
- Enter Total Lobster/Crab Pots in Water.
- Enter Average Lobster/Crab Pots Per String In Water.
- Enter Total Lobster/Crab Buoy Lines In Water.
- Select Save.
- Select Add Offload.
- Select Species to offload (either individually or if being sold to one dealer, by using the Select All button).
- Select Next.
- Enter Pounds Sold, Dealer Information, Port Landed, and Date Sold, then select Save.
- To report additional species offloaded, select Add Offload and follow Steps 2 and 3.
Sign the eVTR
- Select Sign at the bottom.
- Review Date Sailed and Date Land times for accuracy, then select Next.
- Review “Offload / Sales Details” information for accuracy, then select Next.
- Check the box to agree to the terms above (you may be prompted to log in again at this point), then click or tap Submit.
- Once submitted the system will bring you back to your Home Screen and a green box will appear in the top right hand corner stating “Submission Status: Report Accepted” to verify your trip was processed successfully.
How do I report lobsters to keep for future sale?
- Any species not immediately sold to a federal dealer should be reported using a dealer code of 4-Retained For Future Sale.
- In the Offload section in the box for dealer, type "retained for future sale" and select 4-Retained For Future Sale.
- When the species that were "Retained for future sale" are then sold to a dealer or dealers, the eVTR should be updated by the vessel operator or owner to reflect the relevant sale(s) to each dealer.
How do I submit a Set Only trip?
You must report your trip even if you are just setting gear, usually the first trip of the year.
- Begin a trip by tapping the + sign.
- Enter Date Sailed and Vessel Permit, then tap Next.
- Enter Trip Type, Number Of Crew, and Vessel Operator, then tap Next.
- Tap No Effort Trip, then select Set Only Trip as the reason for no effort.
- Tap Sign, then enter your Land Date, then tap Next.
- Check the certification box.
- Submit your report.
It is the vessel’s responsibility to provide dealers with the entire 14-digit Trip ID / eVTR number for each trip to ensure accurate reporting by both dealer and vessel.
NOTE: The 14-digit Trip ID can be found in the eVTR reporting app. For a representation of the 14-digit eVTR number / Trip ID, refer to the graphic immediately following.
Displaying All Trips Submitted to NOAA
On the Home screen, the blue boxes displaying trip information are a combination of open and submitted trips on your current device. To see all trips that you submitted to NOAA, click on the three lines at the top left of the home screen, then select VTR Trip List. This action displays all submitted trips regardless of the device used.
Contact Us
For more information contact our Helpdesk at (978) 281-9188, or your local Port Agent.
Visit this web page to read Frequently Asked Questions regarding eVTRs.