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51 items match your filter criteria.

Monitoring the Coral Reefs of Hawai‘i

Follow scientists from the National Coral Reef Monitoring Program and the Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center as they collect data and monitor reefs throughout Hawai‘i.
April 15, 2024 - Photo Gallery ,
A large white ship is docked at a pier and is draped with many colorful flags

Sampling Open Ocean Eddies in the Central North Pacific Ocean

Come along for the ride! Scientists are on a research mission to learn more about open-ocean mesoscale eddies and their impact on pelagic ecosystems in the Central North Pacific.
April 04, 2024 - Photo Gallery ,
Eleven scientists standing in a group on the back deck of a ship.

Hawaiian Monk Seal Pupping Season

The Hawaiian monk seal pupping season has started! NOAA Fisheries experts in the Pacific Islands work with partners to protect the pups during this critical time.
March 14, 2024 - Podcast ,
A Hawaiian monk seal pup lays in the sand A young, female Hawaiian monk seal pup, identified as "PM6," lying in the sand at Kalaupapa, Molokai in 2017. This is the fourth pup of mom "RI25." Credit: NOAA/Tracy Mercer (Permit #16632-02).

Pacific Islands ESA@50 Ocean Art Contest: Winners

Check out the winning K–12 student art from the 2023 ESA@50 Ocean Art Contest.
January 25, 2024 - Photo Gallery ,
Color paper cut into various shapes to make a whale and oceanic element pieces.

Pacific Islands ESA@50 Ocean Art Contest: Honorable Mentions

Check out K–12 student art that received honorable mention in the 2023 ESA@50 Ocean Art Contest.
January 25, 2024 - Photo Gallery ,
Artwork featuring two scalloped hammerhead sharks swimming in the water with rays of gold, blue, and white paint surrounding them.

Oceanic Whitetip Sharks: A Plan for Recovery

Oceanic whitetip sharks, once abundant across the globe, are now listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act. However, a forthcoming recovery plan is designed to help bring this species back from the brink.
An oceanic whitetip shark swims in the middle of the ocean. An oceanic whitetip shark swims near the surface of the water. Photo courtesy of John Carlson.

From Ocean to Plate: How the Longline Fishery Feeds Hawaiʻi

Take a closer look at one pathway that popular Hawaiian seafood takes to get from the ocean onto your plate.
October 30, 2023 - Video ,
A man wearing a black baseball hat, face mask, and gloves, holds a piece of tuna filet in his hands to inspect quality. Several other tuna are stacked on ice below. A bidder checks the quality of tuna at the Honolulu Fish Auction. Credit: NOAA Fisheries

Protecting Leatherbacks Across the Globe

How two U.S. agencies collaborate together and with other countries that host leatherback nesting beaches.
June 14, 2023 - Podcast ,
Leatherback turtle in the Kei Islands Leatherback turtle in the Kei Islands. Credit: Scubazoo/Jason Isley

Pacific Islands Region: Fishing Provides More than Just Fish

In the Pacific Islands, non-commercial fishing is a way to provide food for our families and communities, perpetuate traditions, and connect with one another.
June 07, 2023 - Video ,
Close up of a fishing rod with a Pacific Island in the background across the water; a rainbow is visible to the right. Non-commercial fishing in the Pacific Islands. Credit: NOAA Fisheries