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576 items match your filter criteria.

Meet Susan Meyer, Government Information Specialist

Susan researches, analyzes, and evaluates data for Freedom of Information Act requests in Alaska.
May 23, 2024 - Feature Story ,
A selfie of a woman with wet brown hair standing on a balcony. She's wearing a black v-neck shirt. There are other homes and a boat in the background. Susan Meyer is the Alaska Regional Freedom of Information Act Coordinator and Records Manager. Credit: Susan Meyer

Supporting the Long-Term Survival of Copper River Salmon and Alaska Native Traditions

With $4.3 million in NOAA funds, the Copper River Watershed Project and The Eyak Corporation will remove fish passage barriers, opening more streams for salmon spawning and subsistence fishing.
May 20, 2024 - Feature Story ,
Eyak Tribal Member Tiffany Beedle holding a 35-pound King (Chinook) salmon she processed for the Native Village of Eyak Subsistence program. (Photo: Tiffany Beedle) Eyak Tribal Member Tiffany Beedle holding a 35-pound King (Chinook) salmon she processed for the Native Village of Eyak Subsistence program. (Photo: Tiffany Beedle)

World Fish Migration Day

Join us in celebrating World Fish Migration Day! Learn more about how NOAA helps migratory fish and communities by opening or improving access to river and stream habitat.
A salmon leaping upstream over fast-moving whitewater and dark gray rocks Atlantic salmon leaps upstream. Credit: Shutterstock

Commerce Secretary Announces Fishery Resource Disaster Determination for the Bering Sea Snow Crab Fishery

The Secretary determined that a fishery resource disaster occurred in the Bering Sea commercial snow crab fishery.
May 17, 2024 - Feature Story ,
Photo of a male snow crab embracing a mature female prior to mating.

Recommended 2024 Species Recovery Grants Projects

NOAA Fisheries has recommended roughly $5.5 million in funding for six new projects and 16 ongoing projects.
An adult orca is swimming underwater, and a calf is next to its dorsal fin. The calf is surfacing from the water. Southern Resident killer whale swimming with calf. Credit: NOAA Fisheries

NOAA Fisheries Releases 2023 Status of Stocks

This report provides a "snapshot in time" of the status of our nation's fisheries at the end of 2023.
Young fish swimming. Juvenile coho salmon. Credit: iStock

Study Explores Combined Impacts of Ocean Warming and Acidification on Pacific Cod

Laboratory experiments simulate future conditions to help predict the climate resilience of a valuable Alaska fish.
April 29, 2024 - Feature Story ,
Photograph showing side view of transparent Pacific cod larva with large black eye. Newly hatched Pacific cod larva. Credit: NOAA Fisheries/Emily Slesinger

NOAA Fisheries Issues the Final Rule Implementing Federal Management of Salmon Fishing in the Cook Inlet EEZ Area

Amendment 16 addresses court rulings requiring Federal management of salmon fishing in the Cook Inlet EEZ Area in accordance with the Magnuson-Stevens Act
April 29, 2024 - Feature Story ,
Underwater salmon in Alaska. Underwater salmon in Alaska. Credit: Adobe Stock

What Happened to All the Alaska Snow Crabs?

A few years ago, snow crab populations in Alaska collapsed. Hear how NOAA biologists solved the mystery of what happened to them.
April 25, 2024 - Podcast ,
Photo of a pair of Bering Sea snow crabs on a lab table. Bering Sea snow crab support a valuable commercial fishery. Photo: NOAA Fisheries.

Entangled Humpback Whale Near Unalaska Successfully Cut Free

The response, in a remote community, took several days and involved a broad array of partner agencies, organizations, and local trained volunteers.
April 19, 2024 - Feature Story ,
An entangled humpback whale in Iliuliuk Bay near the Port of Dutch Harbor, Alaska. An entangled humpback whale in Iliuliuk Bay near the Port of Dutch Harbor, Alaska. Credit: City of Unalaska, taken under NOAA Fisheries Permit #24359.