May 25, 2024 is World Fish Migration Day—a global celebration to raise awareness of the importance of free-flowing rivers and migratory fish. Take a closer look at how NOAA works to address barriers to fish migration and open their passageways.
Fish Migration Features
Podcast: Dam Removals Boost Atlantic Salmon Populations in Maine
Habitat restoration efforts on the Penobscot River in Maine will help Atlantic salmon population recover and support ancestral traditions of the Penobscot Nation.
NOAA Recommends $240 Million in Fish Passage Funding under Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and Inflation Reduction Act
Forty-six projects will reopen migratory pathways, restore access to healthy habitat for fish, and build tribal capacity to develop and implement fish passage projects.
Learn more about NOAA's fish passage funding recommendations
Supporting the Long-Term Survival of Copper River Salmon and Alaska Native Traditions
With $4.3 million in NOAA funds, the Copper River Watershed Project and The Eyak Corporation will remove fish passage barriers, opening more streams for salmon spawning and subsistence fishing.
Celebrating a NOAA Champion for Migratory Fish
NOAA Marine Habitat Resource Specialist Eric Hutchins stands out for his nearly 40 years of service and tireless efforts to restore migratory fish populations in New England.
Learn about Eric's work restoring fish passage in New England
New Fish Passage Facility Restores Access to 1,000 Miles of Habitat in North Carolina
Updates at the Blewett Falls Hydroelectric Project now allow American eel and other fish to access previously blocked upstream riverine habitat.
Learn more about fish passage at the Blewett Falls Hydroelectric Project
Cold Water Connection Campaign Reopens Rivers for Olympic Peninsula Salmon and Steelhead
With $19 million in NOAA funds, nonprofit and tribal partners plan to remove 17 barriers blocking fish passage on critical spawning rivers originating in Olympic National Park, Washington.
Learn more about the Cold Water Connection Campaign
National Fish Habitat Partnership’s 2023 Waters to Watch Projects Feature Coastal Habitats
Five of the National Fish Habitat Partnership's 2023 Waters to Watch projects take place in coastal, estuarine, and marine habitats where NOAA works—and many include efforts to improve fish passage.
Learn more about the 2023 Waters to Watch projects
Ipswich and Parker River Dam Removals in Massachusetts to Restore Fish and Protect Communities
With $2.5 million in funding through NOAA, the Ipswich River Watershed Association and Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries will address dams blocking fish passage and posing flood risks to towns.
Learn more about dam removals on the Ipswich and Parker Rivers
Long-Term Monitoring Highlights Continued Recovery of Roanoke River Fish and Mussel Populations
Eighteen years after restoring flow to an important section of the Roanoke River, populations of key species—including the American eel and beneficial freshwater mussels—are growing.
Learn more about improving fish passage on the Roanoke River
Restoring Atlantic Salmon and Reviving Tribal Connections in the Penobscot River Watershed
NOAA and partners aim to connect Atlantic salmon to cold water spawning grounds and revive the once-vital human connections to the river.
Learn more about fish passage restoration on the Penobscot River
Fish Passage Inspired by Nature on the Cape Fear River, North Carolina
To improve fish passage, Cape Fear River Watch and partners have made a series of upgrades to a fishway originally designed to mimic natural river habitat.
Learn more about improving fish passage on the Cape Fear River
Reopening Rivers for Migratory Fish
Every year, millions of fish migrate to their native habitats to reproduce. They are often blocked from completing their journey. When fish can’t reach their habitat, their populations can’t grow.
Learn how we work to reopen rivers for migratory fish
Barriers to Fish Migration
One reason fish populations struggle is that barriers prevent them from reaching the upstream habitat where they breed and grow.
Learn why fish migration is important and what we’re doing to help
Improving Fish Migration at Hydropower Dams
When barriers such as hydropower dams block fish from migrating, their populations decline. Through its authorities under the Federal Power Act, NOAA Fisheries improves habitat by addressing fish passage at non-federal hydropower dams. These efforts help recover threatened and endangered migratory fish and support the sustainability of economically important commercial and recreational fisheries.
Learn more about our work to improve fish passage at non-federal hydropower dams
Successful Fish Passage Efforts Across the Nation
Through multiple programs and partnerships, NOAA Fisheries is leading the charge to open our nation’s rivers and streams by providing fish passage solutions.
Learn more about the benefits of opening rivers for fish and communities across the nation
The Value of Opening Rivers for Fish
Millions of fish are blocked from reaching their native habitat to reproduce each year. These fish are crucial to the economy and communities across the nation. NOAA helps migratory fish and communities by opening river and stream habitat.
Learn more about the value of opening rivers for fish
Open Rivers, Abundant Fish
This video explores the journeys of migratory fish from ocean to freshwater streams, which are often blocked by barriers like dams. NOAA is helping to remove these barriers and open passage upstream, so that fish can reach their spawning grounds.