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3266 items match your filter criteria.

Officers, Agents Leverage Social Media for Leads

Social Media Has Growing Importance For Investigations
May 28, 2015 - Feature Story ,

Scientists Use Unmanned Aerial Vehicle to Study Gray Whales from Above

A rare opportunity to study how the environment limits the growth of a recovered population of large whales.
May 28, 2015 - Feature Story ,

Northeastern Seafood Dealer Sentenced in Felony Lacey Act Case

Seven Years Later Justice is Served
May 22, 2015 - Feature Story ,

For Pollock Surveys in Alaska, Things Are Looking Up

To help estimate fish populations, scientists experiment with seafloor-mounted sonar systems that monitor fish in the water column above.
May 21, 2015 - Feature Story ,

Maps From the 1930s Help Find Potential Fish Habitat in the Digital Age

Detailed survey data from the 1930s may help to improve fish habitat analysis.
May 20, 2015 - Feature Story ,

Enforcement Partnership Proves a Success for Joint Operations

It was an unusually clear, cool day. The team was hopeful that the long hours spent planning and coordinating would pay off. They were about to embark on a five-day interagency operation to Togiak, Alaska. While some would be worried about the unforgiv
May 15, 2015 - Feature Story ,
OLE Agent_checking permits.jpg

Warm Blood Makes Opah an Agile Predator

Heated blood makes opah a high-performance predator that swims faster and sees better.
May 12, 2015 - Feature Story ,

Populated Puget Sound Sees Stark Shifts in Marine Fish Species

The most populated areas of Puget Sound have experienced striking shifts in marine species, with declines in herring and smelt that have long provided food for other marine life and big increases in the catch of jellyfish, which contribute far less to the food chain, according to new research that tracks species over the last 40 years.
May 11, 2015 - Feature Story ,
Photos from our trawl survey in the Puget Sound. Photo: M. Alan Lovewell

Diving Deeper Into Abalone – Dedicated Scientists and Volunteers on a Mission to Better Understand Endangered Species

David Witting and Bill Hagey, share a passion for finding the now rare white abalone and understanding the movement and feeding behaviors of all abalone species.
May 11, 2015 - Feature Story ,
Divers on a vessel preparing to enter the water Amanda Bird and Eric Chavez gearing up for a dive to look for abalone. Credit: Adam Obaza, NOAA

NOAA Forensics Lab Helps Raise Bar for Wildlife Investigations

Northwest Fisheries Science Center Forensics Laboratory in Charleston, S.C. and its staff are playing a leading role in advancing and standardizing the science of wildlife forensics nationally and internationally.
May 07, 2015 - Feature Story ,
A sample of whale tissue collected for forensic analysis