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105 items match your filter criteria.

NOAA Fisheries Partners with the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation in Support of North Atlantic Right Whales

$6 million in Inflation Reduction Act funding will be available through the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation for vessel strike prevention technology.
May 22, 2024 - Feature Story ,
Aerial image of a right whale as it swims along. The top of its back and head are visble above the surface. A single North Atlantic right swims in the Atlantic Ocean. NOAA Fisheries/Peter Duley

Studying Sound in the Ocean to Prepare for Offshore Wind Development

NOAA Fisheries scientists talk about passive acoustic monitoring and where it fits into the country's renewable energy strategy.
May 09, 2024 - Podcast ,
Overcast day with mostly gray and silver tones. In the background at left, a line of 8 offshore windmills tower over the horizon. In the foreground, a small boat open-decked boat with a flat roof is silhouetted against a shining sea A small fishing vessel near wind turbines. Credit: Bob Brewer on Unsplash

Recommended 2024 Species Recovery Grants Projects

NOAA Fisheries has recommended roughly $5.5 million in funding for six new projects and 16 ongoing projects.
An adult orca is swimming underwater, and a calf is next to its dorsal fin. The calf is surfacing from the water. Southern Resident killer whale swimming with calf. Credit: NOAA Fisheries

A Hero for Marine Life: Honoring Dr. Charles “Stormy” Mayo

Janet Coit, Assistant Administrator for NOAA Fisheries, celebrates Stormy Mayo’s 48-year career spent conserving and studying marine life, including rescuing entangled North Atlantic right whales.
May 06, 2024 - Leadership Message ,
Dr. Charles "Stormy" Mayo and Assistant Administrator Janet Coit Dr. Charles “Stormy” Mayo and NOAA Fisheries Assistant Administrator Janet Coit at the Center for Coastal Studies.

2020 and 2021 Combined Report of Marine Mammal Strandings in the United States

This report details marine mammal stranding rates, trends, and activities in the United States for both 2020 and 2021. In 2020, there were 5,400 confirmed marine mammal strandings; in 2021, there were 5,524.
Two stranding responders carry a stranded harbor porpoise away from some rocks A harbor porpoise is retrieved from the rocks at Odiorne Point State Park, New Hampshire. Credit: Seacoast Science Center

Talking with Megan Amico

Hear from Megan Amico about her science journey, what she loves about her job, what advice she has for the next generation of women scientists, and more!
March 21, 2024 - Feature Story ,
Megan Amico stands next to her painting at the World Fisheries Congress 2024 conference. The painting is an under and above water scene. Above the water, the sky is bright orange with some yellow clouds. There is a commercial lobster boat hauling up a lobster pot. Below the water is a North Atlantic right whale mother calf pair swimming under the boat.

Recent Prescott Grants Supporting Whale Conservation Partners

Our marine mammal network partners are leveraging the Prescott Grant Program's competitive grants to improve their stranding response and investigation capabilities for whale conservation.
February 26, 2024 - Feature Story ,
Humpback whale breaching out of the water in Maui, Hawai'i Humpback whale breaching off of Maui, Hawai’i. Credit: Ed Lyman taken under NOAA Fisheries Permit #14097

Climate Change Efforts Forge Ahead Thanks to the Inflation Reduction Act

NOAA Fisheries prioritized Inflation Reduction Act funding to support America’s marine resources, coastal communities, and economies in preparing for climate change in 2023–2024.
February 22, 2024 - Feature Story ,
Rec anglers holding red snapper State, regional, and federal scientists are working closely to establish a coordinated, consistent approach in the use of state fisheries statistics, and improve the state and federal surveys in the region. Credit: NOAA Fisheries

A Game-Changing Effort for Endangered North Atlantic Right Whales

An update from our experts on the status of North Atlantic right whales, and our plans to use Inflation Reduction Act funds for right whale conservation.
February 15, 2024 - Podcast ,
Horton NARW with her calf North Atlantic right whale Horton and newborn calf. Credit: Clearwater Marine Aquarium Research Institute, taken under NOAA permit #26919.