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4 items match your filter criteria.

Economic Snapshot Shows Alaska Seafood Industry Suffered $1.8 Billion Loss 2022–2023

NOAA Fisheries’ industry snapshot shows the social and economic ramifications of Alaska’s losses have reverberated across the country.
October 09, 2024 - Feature Story ,
Offloading frozen Pacific cod from a catcher-processor vessel in Dutch Harbor, Alaska. Offloading frozen Pacific cod from a catcher-processor vessel in Dutch Harbor, Alaska. Credit: NOAA Fisheries / Paul Hillman.

Tracking Climate-Driven Shifts in Fish Populations Across International Boundaries

As ocean warming drives fish stocks beyond traditional habitats, international collaboration and innovative methods are key to predicting and adapting to ecosystem change.
June 05, 2023 - Feature Story ,
Several pollock swimming in open blue water Alaska pollock. Credit: NOAA Fisheries.

Rock Sole in Alaska May Do Well in Warmer Ocean

New findings on how fish populations respond to climate change could help fisheries managers and industry plan for the future.
November 20, 2019 - Feature Story ,
Rock sole flatfish with both eyes on the right side of its head placed on ground.

Northern Rock Sole Larvae Appear Resilient To Some Effects Of Ocean Acidification

A 2015 study shows newly hatched northern rock sole could respond to a more acidic ocean.
April 29, 2015 - Feature Story ,
Close up view of larva