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62 items match your filter criteria.

NOAA Fisheries, Atlantic Coast Partners Release Plan to Improve Atlantic Recreational Fisheries Data

The Atlantic Coastal Cooperative Statistics Program and NOAA Fisheries have released a Regional Implementation Plan that highlights priorities over the next 5 years for improving recreational fisheries data collection on the Atlantic Coast.
March 21, 2023 - Feature Story ,
Fishing at sunset.

NOAA Fisheries Responds to National Academies’ Recommendations on Recreational Fisheries Management

In collaboration with our partners, several recommendations are already underway
February 10, 2023 - Feature Story ,
Blonde, female white angler holds a California Sheephead fish while on a boat. Fisherman holds a California sheephead. Credit: Katherine Aby

Recreational Fishing Data Priorities for 2023

NOAA Fisheries spotlights fiscal year 2023 priorities, fiscal year 2022 achievements to support the recreational fishing data collection program.
February 03, 2023 - Feature Story ,
Anglers display a redfish from a boat. Photo credit: Clark Lo.

Ask MRIP: Answering Your Questions About For-Hire Data

NOAA Fisheries' Marine Recreational Information Program responds to questions about collecting fishing data from for-hire captains and their clients.
November 08, 2022 - Feature Story ,
Five recreational anglers fishing on a boat Credit: Tom Migdalski

NOAA Fisheries, Partners Publish Timeline to Support Federal Use of Gulf State Data

The Transition Plan for Gulf State Recreational Fishing Surveys outlines a multi-year approach to incorporate Gulf state recreational fishing data into the federal stock assessment and management process.
October 19, 2022 - Feature Story ,
Rec anglers holding red snapper State, regional, and federal scientists are working closely to establish a coordinated, consistent approach in the use of state fisheries statistics, and improve the state and federal surveys in the region. Credit: NOAA Fisheries

NOAA Enlists Hawaiʻi Fishermen for Mahimahi Diet Study

New program will collaborate with fishermen to help reveal what these open-ocean predators are eating. Fishermen can receive financial rewards for participating in the program.
September 20, 2022 - Feature Story ,
Close-up of a mahimahi head. Mahimahi are fun to catch and quite acrobatic. Plus, they are great to eat! Credit: NOAA Fisheries

Ask MRIP: Answering Your Questions About Survey Errors

NOAA Fisheries' Marine Recreational Information Program responds to questions about different types of survey errors, how they impact our estimates of recreational catch, and what we’re doing to address them.
March 21, 2022 - Feature Story ,
A smiling father sits next to his young son near the bow of a recreational fishing boat, holding a large red drum in his hands. Credit: Jason Battles

Two-path Approach Will Incorporate Gulf State Recreational Fishing Data Into Federal Stock Assessment, Management Process

Statistical calibrations will allow data from state surveys to inform upcoming stock assessments. Short- and long-term research priorities will address congressional directives to review and identify improvements to state and federal surveys.
March 15, 2022 - Feature Story ,
An angler fishing from a boat in the Gulf of Mexico holds a large gag grouper. Decisions made during the recent Gulf State Recreational Catch and Effort Surveys Transition Workshop will allow data from state recreational fishing surveys to inform the federal assessment of fish stocks such as gag grouper, seen here. Credit: Margaret Thompson/FL FWC

Implementation Plan Update Outlines 2022 Recreational Fishing Data Priorities

The Marine Recreational Information Program’s upcoming actions include completing a new strategic plan, implementing new survey and data standards, and continuing to improve its fishing surveys.
December 07, 2021 - Feature Story ,
A smiling child reels in his catch while seated on a fishing boat.