Western Pacific General Longline Permit
Fishery Type:
Open Access
Harvest Type:
Species Covered:
Highly Migratory Species
Online Renewal:
Logbook Requirements:
Expiration Date:
Annual, Expires March 3
Fishing Area:
Western Pacific EEZ
Additional Requirements
- Carry a valid High Seas Fishing Compliance Act permit and Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission Area Endorsement on board the vessel if fishing in international waters.
- Carry a valid Marine Mammal Authorization Program certificate on board the vessel.
- Vessel operator must carry a valid Protected Species Workshop certificate on board the vessel.
- Carry a valid general longline permit on board the vessel.
- Maintain and submit the Western Pacific longline logbook to NOAA Fisheries within 72 hours of returning to port.
The Pacific Islands Regional Office (PIRO) renews permits. Regulations governing this fishery can be found in the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 50, Part 665, Subpart F. Detailed information on permit conditions and other requirements can be found in the Western Pacific General Longline Regulation Summary.
More Information
Additional Applications
What You Will Need
High Seas Fishing Compliance Act Permit
This permit is required for any U.S. fishing vessel fishing outside the EEZ in international waters. Regulations for this permit requirement can be found at Code of Federal Regulations, Title 50, Part 300, Subpart R.
Western and Central Pacific Commission Area Endorsement
A valid Western and Central Pacific Commission (WCPFC) Area Endorsement is required for any fishing vessel of the United States used for commercial fishing for highly migratory species on the high seas in the WCPFC. Vessels must have on board a valid High Seas Fishing Compliance Act Permit that has a valid WCPFC Area Endorsement.
Marine Mammal Authorization Program (MMAP) Certificate
The Pacific Islands Regional Office automatically issues the MMAP Certificate to each vessel registered to a western Pacific general longline permit because the fishery is classified as a Category II fishery under the Marine Mammal Protection Act. A valid MMAP Certificate must be on-board the vessel when fishing. Permit holders do not have to apply for the MMAP Certificate but can download replacement certificates here.
Protected Species Workshop Certificate
Every year longline vessel owners and operators must attend and be certified for completion of a workshop conducted by NOAA Fisheries on interaction mitigation techniques for sea turtles, seabirds, and other protected species. Visit the Protected Species Workshop page for more information.