All Protected Resources Regulations & Actions
Formal Rulemaking on Proposed MMPA Waiver and Hunt Regulations Governing Gray Whale Hunts by the Makah Tribe
On April 5, 2019, we published a proposed rule to issue a waiver of the MMPA take moratorium, a critical step in an agency decision about whether to authorize the Makah Indian Tribe to resume limited treaty-based hunting of eastern North Pacific (ENP) gra
Skagit Basin Steelhead Fishery
NOAA Fisheries' determination on the Skagit River steelhead resource management plan, including directed fisheries
Dungeness Hatcheries Plans
Proposed evaluation for updated Dungeness hatchery plans (Washington state) available for public comment
Hatchery Plan for Wells Summer Chinook Salmon
Hatchery plan for summer Chinook salmon at Wells Hatchery, Upper Columbia River.
Yankee Fork and Panther Creek Spring/summer Chinook Hatchery Plans
NOAA Fisheries is notifying the public of the availability for public review and comment of an environmental assessment, and a proposed evaluation and pending determination under limit 6 of the salmon and steelhead 4(d) rule, for the Yankee Fork and Panther Creek spring/summer Chinook hatchery programs.
Elochoman Type-N Coho Hatchery Program
NOAA Fisheries is making available for public review and comment an hatchery and genetics management plan (HGMP) for NOAA Fisheries ESA Section 4(d) Rule limit 5 determination for the Elochoman Type-N coho program located at the Beaver Creek Hatchery.
Atlantic Large Whale Take Reduction Plan’s Massachusetts Trap/Pot Restricted Area and the Great South Channel Trap/Pot Restricted Area
NOAA Fisheries has published an advance notice of proposed rulemaking to solicit comments on modifying the Atlantic Large Whale Take Reduction Plan's Massachusetts Trap/Pot Restricted Area and the Great South Channel Trap/Pot Restricted Area to
Final List of Fisheries for 2018
The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) publishes its final List of Fisheries (LOF) for 2018, as required by the Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA). The LOF for 2018 reflects new information on interactions between commercial fisheries and marine ma