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Protected Resources Permits & Authorizations

10 permits match your filter criteria.

Commercial or Educational Photography Permit

This permit allows you to approach marine mammals to obtain images or video that you will use for a discreet project. Examples include documentary films, television series, and books.
Commercial / Educational Photography ,

ESA Scientific Research and Enhancement Permits

These permits are for research or enhancement activities conducted on species protected under the Endangered Species Act. This permit is often referred to as an ESA 10(a)(1)(A) permit.
Scientific Research & Enhancement ,

Incidental Take Authorizations Under the Marine Mammal Protection Act

The MMPA requires that an incidental take authorization be obtained for the unintentional “take” of marine mammals incidental to activities including construction projects, scientific research projects, oil and gas development, and and military exercises.
For Marine Mammals ,

Letter of Confirmation Under the General Authorization

This is an expedited and simpler option when studying marine mammals that are not threatened or endangered and using methods that will not exceed Level B harassment.
Scientific Research & Enhancement ,

Letter of Determination for Protected Species Parts and Products

A Letter of Determination allows you to possess, import, export, and sell (in certain circumstances) protected species parts or products.
Import / Export / Selling Parts ,

Permits for the Incidental Taking of Endangered and Threatened Species

An Endangered Species Act Section 10(a)(1)(b) Incidental Take Permit is required for any "take" of an endangered or threatened species incidental to, and not the purpose of, an otherwise lawful activity.
For Endangered / Threatened Species ,

Public Display Permit for Marine Mammals

A public display permit is for the capture of marine mammals in U.S. waters or importation of marine mammals under the Marine Mammal Protection Act.
Public Display ,

Scientific Research and Enhancement Permits for Marine Mammals

These permits are for research or enhancement activities conducted on marine mammals protected by the Marine Mammal Protection Act and Endangered Species Act.
Scientific Research & Enhancement ,

Scientific Research Permit for Marine Mammal and Protected Species Parts

A research permit for the collection, receipt, import, and export of parts from protected species under the Marine Mammal Protection Act and the Endangered Species Act.
Scientific Research & Enhancement ,

West Coast Salmon, Steelhead, and Sturgeon Permitting

The Endangered Species Act provides several mechanisms for authorizing and permitting activities related to protected fish species.
West Coast Salmon, Steelhead & Sturgeon ,