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Fisheries Economics of the United States, 2019 Report

March 29, 2022

Fisheries Economics of the United States (FEUS) is an annual report that provides economic statistics on the nation’s commercial fishing and seafood industry and recreational fisheries and marine-related businesses.


Published each fall, Fisheries Economics of the United States takes a detailed look at the economic performance of commercial and recreational fisheries and other marine-related sectors on a state, regional, and national basis. It also describes how U.S. commercial and recreational fishing affects the economy, in terms of employment, sales, and value-added impacts. For each region, management highlights give a summary of stock status, updates on catch share programs, and other selected management issues.

For 2019, U.S. commercial and recreational saltwater fishing generated over $255 billion in sales impacts, contributed $117 billion to gross domestic product, and supported 1.8 million jobs in the U.S. marine fishing sector and across the broader economy. This information highlights the importance of our commercial and recreational fisheries to our national economy.

Economic impacts from Fisheries Economics of the United States 2019. 1.8 million jobs, $255 billion in sales, $117 billion in value added impacts. 1.2 million commercial jobs, 553,000 recreational jobs. $165 billion commercial sales, $89 billion recreational sales, $68 billion commercial value added, $50 billion recreational value added.
Economic impact trends of 2019 from Fisheries Economics of the United States 2019. 1.8 million jobs, $255 billion in sales, $117 billion in value added impacts. 1.2 million commercial jobs, 553,000 recreational jobs. $165 billion commercial sales, $89 billion recreational sales. $68 billion commercial value added impacts, $50 billion recreational value added impacts.

Last updated by Office of Science and Technology on 09/14/2023