MRIP Progress Toward the National Academies' 2017 Recommendations
This report to Congress describes the Marine Recreational Information Program's progress toward the 28 recommendations in a 2017 National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine review.
Section 201(b) of the Modernizing Recreational Fisheries Management Act, or Modern Fish Act, of 2018, requires NOAA Fisheries to implement, to the extent feasible, the recommendations in the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine's 2017 report, Review of the Marine Recreational Information Program. The Modern Fish Act also requires NOAA Fisheries to submit biennial reports to Congress detailing the agency's progress toward these recommendations. The first such report to Congress (PDF, 24 pages) was submitted in October 2021, and shows the agency has completed or is undertaking actions to address each of the recommendations that emerged from this review. The report is built on a framework (PDF, 11 pages) developed by the Marine Recreational Information Program in 2017.
Note: The National Academies' 2017 Review of the Marine Recreational Information Program was a follow-up to its 2006 Review of Recreational Fisheries Survey Methods. It is separate from the National Academies' 2021 report, Data and Management Strategies for Recreational Fisheries with Annual Catch Limits. NOAA Fisheries is also required to document its progress toward the recommendations in this 2021 report, which it expects to do in 2022.