Essential Fish Habitat in Hawaiʻi Brochure
August 26, 2020
An illustrated brochure that explains why Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) is important, which species have designated EFH in Hawai‘i, and what is involved in the EFH consultation process information for federal agencies.

This brochure contains information about how EFH is designated and how NOAA Fisheries works with federal partners on EFH consultations. The main illustration describes the life cycle of an uku, or grey snapper (Aprion virescens), in the main Hawaiian Islands and illustrates the habitat on which it depends. We worked with a scientific illustrator who referenced photos of uku and their habitat to create a technically correct, visually appealing, and informative depiction.
Bi-fold brochure size: 11” (width) x 8.5” (height)