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Protected Species Gear Research Contract Reports

October 24, 2022

Publications by Northeast Fisheries Science Center personnel, contractors and collaborators working on gear modifications to protect endangered sea turtles and other protected marine species.

Our publications can be found in the NOAA Institutional Repository. Here is a list of selected publications related to our work.


Galvez BA, Matzen E, Milliken HO, Keane E, Upite C. Comparative study of a bottom-set gillnet designed to reduce sea turtle bycatch in the U.S. Mid-Atlantic Monkfish gillnet fishery. US Dept Commer Northeast Fish Sci Cent. 40 p. 


Milliken HO, Hopkins N, Matzen E, Keane E. 2020. 2020 Comparative studies of the catch loss of longfin inshore squid when using the TI Cable Grid in the bottom trawl fishery. Northeast Fish Sci Cent Ref Doc 20-02. 24p. 


Usher R. 2018. Bottom-Set Gillnet Comparative Gear Study to Reduce Sea Turtle Bycatch. [Final Report; 52p] NOAA NMFS Contract No. EA-133F-14-SE-3694.


Parkins C, Smolowitz R, Hopkins N. 2016. Determining the Catch Efficiency of a Cable Sorting Grid in the Summer Flounder Trawl Fishery. [Final Report; 52p] NOAA NMFS Contract No. EE-133F-15-SE-1415.


Matzen, E, Milliken HO, Lowell, N. 2015. Development and testing of a tow time data logger to monitor and enforce tow time restrictions in trawl fisheries. NOAA Tech Memo NMFS NE-234. 15p.

Parkins C, Smolowitz R. 2015. A Feasibility Test of Two NMFS Flounder Turtle Excluder Device (TED) Designs With Large Opening in the U.S. Mid-Atlantic Scallop Trawl Fishery. [Final Report; 52p] NOAA NMFS Contract No. EE-133F-13-SE-2036.


Yong C, Jocelyn Runnebaums J. 2014. A preliminary study for Improving survivability of cusk bycatch in the Gulf of Maine lobster trap. [Final report; 15p] NOAA NMFS Contract No. EE-133F-12-SE-2038.

Gahm M, DeAlteris J, Parkins C. 2014. Evaluation of a Topless Bottom Trawl Design with a 160 foot Headrope and Two Restrictor Lines for Fish Capture in the Summer Flounder Fishery. [Final report; 36p] NOAA NMFS Contract No. EA-133F-12-SE-2141.


He P, Jones N. 2013. Design and Test of a Low Profile Gillnet to Reduce Atlantic Sturgeon and Sea Turtle Bycatch in Mid-Atlantic Monkfish Fishery. [Final Report; 40p] NOAA NMFS Contract No. EA-133F-12-SE-20.

Fox, DA, Armstrong JL, Brown LM, Wark K. 2013. Year Three, the Influence of Sink Gillnet Profile on Bycatch  of Atlantic Sturgeon in the Mid-Atlantic Monkfish Fishery. [Report; 27p] NOAA NMFS Contract No. EA-133F-12-RQ-0697.

National Marine Fisheries Service and Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission. 2013. Workshop on Sea Turtle and Atlantic Sturgeon Bycatch Reduction in Gillnet Fisheries. Jan 22–23, 2013. Ocean City, MD. 48p.

DeAlteris J, Parkins C, Hasbrouck E, Scotti J, Froehlich T, Costanzo J. 2013. Evaluation of a Topless Bottom Trawl with a 160 foot Headrope for Fish Capture. [Final report; 28p] NOAA NMFS Contract No. EA-133F-10-SE-2491, Mod. 002.


Fox DA, Armstrong JL, Brown LM, Wark K. 2012. The Influence of Sink Gillnet Profile on Bycatch of Atlantic Sturgeon in the Mid-Atlantic Monkfish Fishery. [Final report; 31p] NOAA NMFS Contract No. EA-133F-10-SE-3358.

DeAlteris J, Parkins C. 2012. Evaluation of a Topless Bottom Trawl Design with Regard to Excluding Sea Turtles. [Report; 29p] NOAA NMFS Contract No. EA-133F-10-SE-2491, Mod. 002.

Smolowitz R, Milliken HO, Weeks M. 2012. Design, Evolution, and Assessment of a Sea Turtle Deflector Dredge for the U.S. Northwest Atlantic Sea Scallop Fishery: Impacts on Fish Bycatch. North American Journal of Fisheries Management. 32(1):65–76.


Silva DR, DeAlteris JT, Milliken HO. 2011. Evaluation of a pound net leader designed to reduce sea turtle bycatch. Marine Fisheries Review. 73(3).

Fox D.A., Wark K., Armstrong J.L., Brown L.M., 2011. Gillnet configurations and their impact on Atlantic sturgeon and marine mammal bycatch in the New Jersey monkfish fishery: year 1. [Final report; 30p.] NOAA NMFS Contract No. EA-133F-10-RQ-1160.


DeAlteris J. 2010. Summary of 2010 Workshop on Mitigating Sea Turtle Bycatch in the Mid-Atlantic and Southern New England Trawl Fisheries. [Final report; 16p] NOAA Contract No. EA-133F-10-SE-2585.

A.I.S., Inc. 2010. The effects of hanging ratio on marine mammal interactions and catch retention of commercially important finish species. [Final report; 28p] NOAA Contract No. EA-133F-08-CN-0240.

DeAlteris J, Parkins C. 2010. Evaluation of the effect on catch performance of the NMFS flounder Turtle Excluder Device (TED) with a large opening in the Southern New England long fin squid trawl fishery. [Final report; 19p] NOAA Contract No. EA-133F-08-CN-0182.

Salerno DJ, Eayrs S. 2010. Study on catch retention using a larger TED and opening in the summer flounder trawl fishery. [Revised final report; 33p] NOAA Contract No. EA-133F-08-CN-0230.

Smolowitz R, Weeks M. 2010. Scallop Dredge Comparison Study. [Final report; 16p] NOAA Contract No. NFFM7320-8-26515.

Smolowitz R, Haas H, Milliken HO, Weeks M, Matzen E. 2010. Using sea turtle carcasses to assess the conservation potential of a turtle excluder dredge. North American Journal of Fisheries Management. 30:993–1000.


DeAlteris J, Parkins C. 2009. Evaluation of the catch performance of the NMFS flounder Turtle Excluder Device (TED) with a large opening in the Southern New England whiting trawl fishery. [Final Report; 15p] NOAA Contract No. EA-133F-08-CN-0182.

DeAlteris J, Parkins C. 2009. Evaluation of the catch performance of the NMFS flounder Turtle Excluder Device (TED) with a large opening in the U.S. Mid-Atlantic scallop trawl fishery. [Final Report; 16p] NOAA Contract No. EA-133F-08-CN-0182.


DeAlteris J, Silva R. 2008. Performance in 2004 and 2005 of an alternative leader design on the bycatch of sea turtles and the catch of finfish in Chesapeake Bay pound nets, offshore Kiptopeake, VA. [Final report; 47p] NOAA Contract No. EA1330-04-RQ-0076 and EA-133F-05-RQ-1321.

Haas H, LaCasella E, LeRoux R, Milliken HO, Hayward B. 2008. Characteristics of sea turtles incidentally captured in the U.S. Atlantic sea scallop dredge fishery. Fisheries Research. 93(3):289–295.

Smolowitz R, Weeks M, Morin M. 2008. Assessing the Efficacy of the Coonamessett Farm (Cfarm) Turtle Excluder Sea Scallop Dredge in Reducing Injury to Loggerhead Sea Turtle Carcasses. [Project Report; 30p.] NOAA Contract No. EN-133F-07-SE-3189.


Lawson D, DeAlteris J, Parkins C. 2007. An evaluation of the catch efficiency of the NMFS certified, standard Turtle Excluder Device (TED) required in the Mid-Atlantic summer flounder fishery. [Summary report; 26p + app.] NOAA Contract No. EA-133F-05-SE-6561. 

DeAlteris J. 2007. Workshop to discuss bycatch reduction technologies to reduce sea turtle bycatch in Southern New England and mid-Atlantic inshore trawl fisheries. [Summary report; 8p] NOAA Contract No. EA-133F-05-SE-6561.

Milliken HO, Belskis L, DuPaul W, Gearhart J, Haas H, Mitchell J, Smolowitz R, Teas W. 2007. Evaluation of a modified scallop dredge’s ability to reduce the likelihood of damage to loggerhead sea turtle carcasses. Northeast Fish Sci Cent Ref Doc 07-07. 31p.


American Underwater Search and Survey, Ltd. 2006.  Sonar survey of crab and whelk pot gear in the lower Chesapeake Bay, Virginia: May–June 2006. [Final report; 24p] NOAA Contract No. EN-133F-05-SE-5190.

DeAlteris Associates Inc. 2006.  Sea turtle-pot fishery interaction survey: Chesapeake Bay and coastal waters of Virginia.  [Final report; 28p] NOAA Contract No. EN-133F-05-SE-6758.

Lawson DD, DeAlteris JT. 2006. Evaluation of a turtle excluder device (TED) in the scallop trawl fishery of the mid-Atlantic. [Final report; 145p] NOAA Contract No. EA-133F-05-SE-6561.

Smolowitz R, Weeks M. 2006. Turtle-scallop dredge interaction study: 2005 field season. [Final report; 44p] NOAA Contract No. EA-133F-05-SE-4860.


Smolowitz R, 2005. Sea turtle - scallop dredge interactions. [Videotape accompanying final report; 656MB] NOAA Contract No. EA-133F-04-SE-0968.

Smolowitz R, Harnish C, Rudders D. 2005. Turtle - scallop dredge interaction study. [Final report; 83p] NOAA Contract No. EA-133F-04-SE-0968.

Zollett EA, Rosenberg, AA.  2005.  A review of cetacean bycatch in trawl fisheries.  [Final report; 35p] NOAA Contract No. EN-133F-04-SE-1048.


American Underwater Search and Survey, Ltd. 2004. Sonar survey of six pound net leaders off Kiptopeke, Chesapeake Bay, Virginia. [Final report; 6p] NOAA Contract No. EA-133F-04-SE-0646.

DeAlteris J, Chosid D, Silva R, Politis P. 2004. Evaluation of the performance of an alternative leader design on the bycatch of sea turtles and the catch of finfish in Chesapeake Bay pound nets, offshore Kiptopeake, Va. [Final report; 14p + app.] NOAA Contract No. EA-133F-04-SE-0665.

DuPaul W, Rudders DB, Smolowitz R. 2004. Industry trials of a modified sea scallop dredge to minimize the catch of sea turtles. [Final report; Va. Inst. Mar. Sci. Mar. Resourc. 2004-12; 35p] NOAA Contract No. EA-133F-03-SE-0235.


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Last updated by Northeast Fisheries Science Center on 07/29/2024