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48 resources match your filter criteria.

Great South Channel Restricted Area

This dataset depicts the boundaries of the Great South Channel Restricted Area in effect from April 1 to June 30 annually in ESRI shapefile format for the NOAA Fisheries Service’s Greater Atlantic Regional Fisheries Office (GARFO).
August 01, 2022 - Map ,

Map of Massachusetts Restricted Area Wedge for Trap/Pot Fishery (Emergency Rule)

Fishermen must remove all trap/pot gear from this area and not set new gear in this area from February 1 to April 30, 2023. This restricted area was also in effect April 1-30, 2022.
February 28, 2022 - Map ,
Map of wedge closure area between MRA and MRA North

Critical Habitat - Maps and GIS Data (West Coast Region)

Maps and GIS data for black abalone, bocaccio, Chinook salmon, chum salmon, coho salmon, eulachon, green sturgeon, humpback whale, killer whale, leatherback turtle, sockeye salmon, steelhead trout, Steller sea lion, and yelloweye rockfish.
December 03, 2021 - Map ,

Lobster/Jonah Crab Minimum Traps Per Trawl: Northeast Region

The trap/trawl minimums for the Northeast lobster and Jonah crab fishery by area.
October 06, 2021 - Map ,
Northeast Lobster and Jonah crab minimum traps per trawl map

Lobster/Jonah Crab Minimum Traps Per Trawl: LMA 2 and LMA 3

This map shows the minimum traps per trawl requirements for LMA 2 and LMA 3 put in place by the 2021 amendments to the Atlantic Large Whale Take Reduction Plan.
October 06, 2021 - Map ,
Minimum traps per trawl in LMA2 and LMA3

Lobster/Jonah Crab Minimum Traps Per Trawl: New Hampshire

This map shows the new minimum traps per trawl requirements for New Hampshire fishermen put in place by the 2021 amendments to the Atlantic Large Whale Take Reduction Plan.
October 06, 2021 - Map ,
New Hampshire Minimum Traps per Trawl Map

Lobster/Jonah Crab Minimum Traps Per Trawl: Maine Zone G

This map shows the new minimum traps per trawl requirements for Maine Zone G put in place by the 2021 amendments to the Atlantic Large Whale Take Reduction Plan.
October 06, 2021 - Map ,
Map of Maine Zone G's minimum traps per trawl requirements

Lobster/Jonah Crab Minimum Traps Per Trawl: Maine Zone F

This map shows the new minimum traps per trawl requirements for Maine Zone F put in place by the 2021 amendments to the Atlantic Large Whale Take Reduction Plan.
October 06, 2021 - Map ,
Maine Zone F lobster traps per trawl minimum map

Lobster/Jonah Crab Minimum Traps Per Trawl: Maine Zone E

This map shows the new minimum traps per trawl requirements for Maine Zone E put in place by the 2021 amendments to the Atlantic Large Whale Take Reduction Plan.
October 06, 2021 - Map ,
Maine Zone F lobster traps per trawl minimum map