This assessment summarizes and synthesizes climate, biological, and fishing effects on the shelf and slope regions of the Gulf of Alaska (GOA), from an ecosystem perspective, and to provides an assessment of the possible future.
This assessment summarizes and synthesizes climate, biological, and fishing effects on the shelf and slope regions of the Gulf of Alaska, from an ecosystem perspective, and to provides an assessment of the possible future.
This assessment summarizes and synthesizes historical climate and fishing effects on the shelf and slope regions of the Aleutian Islands (AI) from an ecosystem perspective, and provides an assessment of the possible future.
This assessment summarizes and synthesizes historical climate and fishing effects on the shelf and slope regions of the Aleutian Islands (AI) from an ecosystem perspective, and provides an assessment of the possible future.
This assessment summarizes and synthesizes climate and fishing effects (historical and future) on the eastern Bering Sea shelf and slope regions from an ecosystem perspective.
This assessment summarizes and synthesizes climate and fishing effects (historical and future) on the eastern Bering Sea shelf and slope regions from an ecosystem perspective.
The scheduled frequency for some stock assessments was recently changed in response to the National Stock Assessment Prioritization effort. In previous years, all Gulf of Alaska rockfish stocks were assessed on a biennial stock assessment schedule.
This is a three species stock assessment for walleye pollock (Gadus chalcogrammus), Pacific cod (Gadus macrocephalus) and arrowtooth flounder (Atheresthes stomias), from the Eastern Bering Sea, Alaska.
Kamchatka flounder is a relatively large flatfish which is distributed from Northern Japan through the Sea of Okhotsk to the Western Bering Sea north to Anadyr Gulf and east to the eastern Bering Sea shelf and south of the Alaska Peninsula.
Arrowtooth flounder (Atheresthes stomias) are relatively large flatfish that range from central California to the eastern Bering Sea, and as far west as the Kuril Islands.