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Science Blogs

125 resources match your filter criteria.

Net-Working in the Pacific

A team of scientists recently collected marine organisms with large nets to help better understand the biological composition of our ocean. Learn about these tools that help our scientists "net-work" all around the ocean.
July 03, 2024 - Research ,
The right image shows the tucker trawl half submerged in the ocean with the sky visible in the background. Tucker trawl in the water just after deployment. Credit: NOAA Fisheries/Johanna Wren

Gearing up for the Big Show: NOAA Ship Gear Trials

While many hear of the exciting research and results that come after the completion of at-sea scientific missions, much is done ahead of time to ensure their success. Gear trials and training are all necessary leading up to the big show.
April 17, 2024 - Survey ,
Two researchers stand on each side of two bongo nets and inspect them while aboard a ship. Two researchers test bongo nets during a gear trial. Credit: NOAA Fisheries

From Analyzing Data To Collecting It: Gaining Perspective as a Visiting Scientist

Michaela Kratofil, an Oregon State University Ph.D. student, was invited to be a visiting scientist in 2023. She shares her experience from the high seas collecting the field data that will ultimately go into her dissertation research.
February 16, 2024 - Survey ,
Micahela sits on a chair aboard a ship under a blue tent while two people observe the ocean on each side of her. Michaela Kratofil (center) on the flying bridge with visual observers. Credit: NOAA Fisheries

Locating the Larvae

Out at sea in the darkest of night, scientists are sampling larval fish throughout Hawai‘i to better understand their habitat and patterns in fish reproduction.
October 30, 2023 - Research ,
Two researchers on the side of a vessel, deploying a plankton net into the ocean. Don Kobayashi (left) and Justin Suca (right, CIMAR/RCUH in support of NOAA Fisheries, PIFSC) deploy the Isaac-Kidd Midwater Trawl plankton net. Credit: NOAA Fisheries

Sailing the High Seas: Two Decades of Counting Whales and Dolphins in Hawaiian Waters

The Hawaiian Islands Cetacean and Ecosystem Assessment Surveys of 2002, 2010, and 2017 provided critical data on the sizes of whale and dolphin populations. With HICEAS 2023 underway, we reflect on what we have learned about cetacean abundance in Hawaiʻi.
August 22, 2023 - Survey ,
Two pilot whales bob their bodies out of the water while looking at researchers. Two short-finned pilot whales spyhop at researchers on a small boat, launched from the NOAA Ship Oscar Elton Sette (in the background) during HICEAS 2017. Credit: NOAA Fisheries/Paula Olson (Permit #20311)

My Sea Kit

NOAA Pacific Islands region observer Erin Smeltzer describes a vital part of any trip out to sea: the “sea kit.”
July 28, 2023 - Fisheries Observer ,
Fishery observer holding a large tuna by the tail longer than her. Erin has worked as a NOAA Fisheries observer these past 8 months. Credit: NOAA Fisheries/Erin Smeltzer

Visual Arts Can Bring Us Closer to Protected Marine Life—While Helping Us Keep a Safe Distance

University of Hawai‘i STEM Fellow Devon Stapleton describes her internship connecting communities with NOAA Fisheries’ conservation mission for protected marine life.
February 23, 2023 - Science Blog ,
Art work - Beauty comes from a distance Eleventh grader Esther W. from the Northern Mariana Islands wowed judges in the 2022 Share the Shore & Sea Youth Art Contest with her digital illustration titled Beauty comes from a distance.

Fall Break Fun With Seafood Science and Management

NOAA Fisheries partnered with youth fall break programs in Hawai'i to connect students with the science and management practices behind sustainable seafood.
October 31, 2022 - Science Blog ,
NOAA staff members sits next to a child to help them learn how to measure a pretend fish using the Hawaii nearshore fisheries regulations guide.