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8 resources match your filter criteria.

Photo-identification capture-mark-recapture techniques for estimating abundance of bay, sound and estuary populations of Bottlenose dolphins along the U.S. East Coast and Gulf of Mexico, a workshop report

The workshop sought to develop agreed upon best practices for fieldwork, photo processing and analytical practices for estimating abundance for estuarine bottlenose dolphin populations in the Southeast United States using capture-mark-recapture methods.
January 12, 2024 - Technical Memo ,

Report to Congress: Interactions between Bottlenose Dolphins and Sharks and Commercial, For-Hire, and Private Recreational Fisheries in the Gulf of Mexico and South Atlantic

Report to Congress on interactions between bottlenose dolphins and sharks and fisheries in the Gulf of Mexico and South Atlantic.
August 29, 2022 - Report to Congress ,

Predicting the effects of low salinity associated with the Mid-Barataria Sediment Diversion project on resident common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in Barataria Bay, Louisiana

Describes the development and application of the model that projects the impacts of exposure to low salinity on the survivorship of bottlenose dolphins in the bay under various diversion scenarios.
August 04, 2021 - Technical Memo ,

An Updated Literature Review Examining the Impacts of Tourism on Marine Mammals over the Last Fifteen Years (2000-2015) to Inform Research and Management Programs

In 2000, Samuels et al. provided a comprehensive review of the scientific literature available at the time, which included 107 references related to the effects “swim-with dolphin” tours have on animals’ health and behavior. Over the last fifteen years, opportunities to view marine mammals in the wild have increased through commercial and private vessel-based platforms, in water “swim-with” activities, and land-based observation stations.
July 01, 2018 - Technical Memo ,

Biological Opinion on the Issuance of Permit No. 20455 to Randall Wells for Research on Bottlenose and Atlantic Spotted Dolphins

This biological opinion is NOAA Fisheries' opinion on the effects of the permit No. 20455 for bottlenose and Atlantic spotted dolphin research on sea turtle species, smalltooth sawfish, and Gulf sturgeon in a specific action area.
May 26, 2017 - Biological Opinion ,

Bottlenose Dolphins and Brevetoxins: A Coordinated Research and Response Plan

NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-OPR-32
June 01, 2006 - Technical Memo ,

Marine Mammal Health and Stranding Response Program: Program Development Plan

NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-OPIY-94-2
July 01, 1994 - Technical Memo ,